After a spate of applying for some jobs I somehow ended up on several wingnut emails lists. As annoying as it is, that marketing method works, I open them from time to time, whenever I need a laugh, or a sob. What’s shocking isn’t the sheer magnitude of the lies, it’s how badly their own, sincere righties, are openly preyed on by shysters with the full cooperation and aide of the GOP establishment. It’s just one scam after another. Today the subject was “How will atheists explain THIS!?”
That link goes to a page that screams in large red letters:
Link— Did our Creator “encode” a cancer cure on the 859th page of an ancient Bible?
Oncologists stunned! “Untreatable” late-stage cancers disappear in weeks… ZERO painful side effects… [Verified by independent research from the University of Southern California, Mt. Sinai Medical Center in Chicago, and University of South Florida]
Answer, no the Creator did not. Although if you believe in a personal God as taught in thousands of churches in 2014, the Creator did indeed intentionally encode the ability for once perfectly healthy people to get cancer in millions of base pairs throughout the human genome. Why condemn billions of men, women, and children to a slow, terrifying and excruciating death? It’s punishment meted out to the whole human race! Because a Neolithic lady chose do something wrong thousands of years ago — specifically she chose more knowledge, which tells you a lot about the right-wing mindset toward women and people in general right there. A lady who, by definition, was so ignorant and/or mentally challenged when she made that choice that she could not have possibly been capable of distinguishing right from wrong …
Doesn’t take an atheist to explain this, a fictionalized mafia thug in a semi-factual casino could do it, it’s the dollars, always fuckin dollars. But here’s how this atheist explains it: complete disregard for decency in service of insatiable greed. As you can guess, it’s an roundabout audio file that hems and haws on its way to the obligatory plea for money to buy a miracle late-stage cancer cure “When all other hope is lost”. I guess we get used to the endless, repugnant ways the right wages class warfare, how they never stop robbing the poor and middle class of every last penny to payoff the rich.
Or rather we think we do. The depths of depravity can always surprise even the seasoned cynic.
They’re shamelessly trying to rip off terminal cancer patients, while also working elsewhere to deny those same patients and everyone else the healthcare that might actually save them, or at least keep the worst of the agony at bay while they die. From the same assholes who scold the long-term unemployed about the dignity of honest work.
What a horrible scam the conservative movement is, rotten from head-to-toe, to perpetrate this and so many other cons on the most desperate and vulnerable and most loyal members of their own caucus. These are truly revolting people. Never forget:, both sides “don’t do it,” the modern hard-right is in a political and immoral class all by themselves.
“How will atheists explain THIS!?”
I think you just did…
But if they are trying to sell the “cure” based on the premise that “all other hope is lost,” doesn’t that imply that prayer failed? Wouldn’t someone likely to be taken in by have been praying for God to intervene?
And, yes, I realize their answer is that this “cure” is exactly God’s intervention, but unless what they send you is just a pamphlet saying “Pray Harder,” then the “cure” is simply some other kind of medicine, whatever it happens to be.
Since ancient bibles didn’t have pages as in current publications . . . .
ITYM “meted.”
And yes, a buddy of mine is a Faux addict and frequent contributor to the RNC…and the same exact level of scam floods his realspace mailbox.
And he falls for them, too.
Actually, ancient Bibles did have pages. (Codex Vaticanus is one example.) But this guy seems to be using “ancient” in some whimsical sense, since he explicitly states that it is the 859th page of the King James Bible (though which edition he doesn’t say). As that was first published in 1611, the word “ancient” hardly applies.
Does 4th Century (C.V.) qualify as “ancient”?
Next week, the subject line will read: “Avoid this strange fruit if you want a long life!” Those same fraudsters will expect their marks to forget all about their fleecing under the old spam campaign, in their clamor to take the new bait. And they’ll be correct. Explain THAT, Atheists!!1!
Yeah, it’s definitely true. Wingers have been identified as easy prey for shysters and scam artists. It’s impossible to go to a right-wing website without being accosted by ads for modern snake-oil. After all, if the people can believe the crazy things they believe, why shouldn’t they be gullible enough to buy miracle cures?
Gullible = Profit
Targeting the IQ deficient has always rendered good returns.
Religion learnt that little trick a few years back….
Only the truly unethical would attempt to make money selling bogus medical products.
That why you’ll never see ads for things like that on FTB!
No siree!
This is the best site to host bogus meds, Anri. They get to expose their product to us. We occasionally click the ads for teh lulz without buying a single one. And FtB gets the ad revenue anyway. It’s win-win!
“Because a Neolithic lady chose do something wrong thousands of years ago …”
I think she must have been Paleolithic, at the latest!
thebookofdave @ 11:
Good point.
It is a completely different thing.
The Bad Guys are willing to accept money from advertisers promoting products that are, at best, harmless and at worst, utterly bogus. And a few of them actually believe in the products
Us Good Guys, though, we’re willing to accept money from advertisers promoting products that are, at best, harmless and at worst, utterly bogus. And we know the products are bunk.
That’s an important distinction, thanks for clearing it up.
I don’t know anything about how websites are set up myself, but from comments people have made I’ve got the impression that FTB has no control over which ads pop up. Maybe you can talk to their tech support, Anri, and explain what they need to do to control the ads.
@ ^ Marie the Bookwyrm : That’s also my impression too & I understand there’s some way of getting an ad-free service for FTB via some subscription (?) mechanism or other.
There are also adblock programs you can use too or so I gather.
…not make a deal with people who put up ads like that?
I was under the impression that ‘the standard you pass by is the standard you accept’, yes?
Let me put it to you this way – if someone offered you money to walk around in a tshirt for – whatever ad they wanted (which might include medical quackery) – would you accept? Would it be an ethical thing, or just haggling over the price?
I wonder where all your anger comes from for the right wingers as if they are the only gullible idiots out there. You seem to drink the left kool aid the says only the left can have the correct opiinion on anything. I have many of my democratic, progressive buddies are are always looking for the next get rich scam or what the government can give them for free(My money mostly) also is it wrong to teach a child to walk or should we carry him everywhere for life,
Left are asking the right to be tolerant.. yet…
P>S> I was democrat before democrat was cool.
Well, Cannabis isnt mentioned in the bible. Myrrh is, but as a spice. Ginger is not mentioned. Yeah, I feel that whoever is popping this out is definantly lying.
2nd –
Gullible = Profit
Targeting the IQ deficient has always rendered good returns.
Religion learnt that little trick a few years back….