Here’s what “fair and balanced” looks like in graphic form


There’s a lot of lessons that can be learned from this. The most obvious being that if only sexual assaults in the military were blamed on Obama, Fox would be all over them. I’m actually surprised House members haven’t trotted that angle out yet. After all, he’s the Commander-in-Chief, you’d think it would be a natural direction to go, right on the corner of Benghazi Blvd between the IRS building and the AP news center. But that might involve admitting the issue exists, which could then lead to support for women in the military and following the blame up the manly chain of command, and that just doesn’t jive with the views of the typical Fox News viewer.


  1. Robert B. says

    The thing that gets me is actually the discrepancy in totals. What the hell is CNN showing the rest of the time? Lolcat macros? They do still show news on that network, right?

  2. Synfandel says

    What the hell is CNN showing the rest of the time?

    Anderson Cooper’s awesome hair.

  3. says

    Actually, the RWN (right wing nutters) ARE blaming Obama for rapes in the military: they never happened until the repeal of DADT, doncha know. And clearly, the repeal was a unilateral decision made by an atheist Muslim commie, and not the result of a bill passed by Congress and signed off on by the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Chair of the Joint Chiefs.

  4. Trebuchet says

    What the hell is CNN showing the rest of the time?

    Anderson Cooper’s awesome hair.

    Jodi Arias

    And Gregory #3 took the words right out of my mouth.

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