How to know when to shut up

This Reuben Bolling cartoon reflects a common situation. If you are ever tempted to start giving your opinion on something with the preamble “I know this is not politically correct but …” or “I know this is going to upset some people but … ” or “You may not like what I’m going to say but …”, it is probably a good idea to think twice, because the chances are that what you are going to say is really offensive or poorly thought out and is going to get you in trouble.
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Puzzling things about the Invisible Man

Some of you may have read H. G. Wells’s novel The Invisible Man. There have been several films based on it that I have not seen but as a young boy, I was fascinated by a TV show that was based on the same idea but is set in modern times and is otherwise nothing like the book. In this show, as in the book, a scientific experiment gone wrong makes a man completely invisible, so he goes around wearing clothes, gloves, sunglasses, hat and with his face fully bandaged in order to keep his invisibility secret and make his presence visible and not freak people out.
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Apologies without accountability are meaningless

If you have hung around much at all with Christian evangelicals like I have done in the past, you will have noticed that they love redemption stories. The sentiment of “I once was lost and now am found”, as expressed in the hymn Amazing Grace is a surefire winner with that crowd, to the extent that they will even exaggerate the extent of their past sins in order to make their salvation sound even more dramatic. I know because I have heard the testimonies of people I knew well.
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