The comedian who shot to fame with her viral videos lip-syncing of Trump’s inanities guest hosts Jimmy Kimmel’s show. Here’s her monologue.
She is apparently being given a Netflix special.
The comedian who shot to fame with her viral videos lip-syncing of Trump’s inanities guest hosts Jimmy Kimmel’s show. Here’s her monologue.
She is apparently being given a Netflix special.
Crip Dyke, Right Reverend Feminist FuckToy of Death & Her Handmaiden says
Love it.
Holms says
On the strength of her lip syncing? Wow, what the hell.
John Morales says
Holms, on the strength of her overall ability to perform and to entertain, presumably.
For example, she evidently has a good grasp of scholar’s cradles.
chigau (違う) says
bless your heart