It is a terrific show with a rousing finale. You should really check it out.
As I have said many times before when Jon Stewart was host of The Daily Show, while you may be able to win a public spat against ordinary people, it is a big mistake to get into one with a professional comedian who has his own show with a stable of writers and a network that has deep pockets and backs them up. You will always end up looking ridiculous.
But as Oliver says, SLAPP lawsuits can have a chilling effect on pretty much everyone else which is why we need all fifty states, not just the current thirty, to pass anti-SLAPP legislation.
John Morales says
Frankly, it’s just too much bother to (peudo-legally) circumvent geo-blocking on videos such as these; be aware that, unless your reader is determined to be in the USA by software or wants to pirate, they will be unavailable.
(So it goes)
Sam N says
It’s too bad John, because that was an absolute epic burn on human piece of shit, Bob Murray.
John Morales says
Aww… Alright, Sam. I’ll bother to check it out. 🙂
John Morales says
Ross Stephens says
I was able to access this episode on youtube (UK based)
John Morales says
Interesting, Ross. I had to use, um, a workaround.