The Second Edition of the Darwin is Dead carnival is up. I think we can declare that the “Darwin is Dead carnival” is dead now. Orac seems to have had a little problem tallying up the entries, but out of 7 links:
- Three are satires of ID and creationism.
- One is a press release from the Discovery Institute.
- One is more PR from the Institute for Creation Research.
- One is PR from Answers in Genesis.
- Precisely one is an actual blog entry from a sincere creationist (who, by the way, thinks “irreducible complexity” is a serious problem for molecular biology, and therefore has demonstrated that he is a clueless goombah), and even that one the carnival host had to go trawling through crap and invite him to submit it.
I’m sorry to say that the selection is pathetic. Try comparing this thing to the Tangled Bank (which has a new edition coming up next week, by the way)—creationists have another reason to be embarrassed.