Ben Ketchum doesn’t seem to be a very nice guy

Ashley Manta was discussing her own rape trauma with a friend, when she named her rapist: a fellow named Ben Ketchum. There followed one of those series of confirmations that are rather terrifying: her friend had also been raped by Ketchum. Then she put up a blog post naming her rapist, and more women who knew him came out to say what he’d done.

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You’re supposed to be flattered, ladies!

An Indonesian company printed some interesting washing instructions on the tag of their shirts.

"Washing instructions: Give this shirt to a woman. It’s her job," Salvo Sports printed on the shirts of Indonesian Super League team Pusamania Borneo.

I understand that bread in Indonesia ought to come in bags with instructions that say, “Give this loaf to a woman. She’ll make you a sandwich.”

But before all you angry feminists start waving torches and pitchforks, the company has apologized. They are deeply, terribly, weepingly sorry for their sexist assumptions.

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