This one is kind of a double-whammy. Rebecca Watson rips up Cernovich’s claim that heterosexual men can’t get AIDS rather thoroughly…and yeah, getting pwned by Rebecca Watson has to be especially humiliating for an MRA.
But the other funny thing is going on in the YouTube comments. I know, don’t read the comments, and that’s no exception here — there’s the usual misogynistic frothing at the mouth — but there are also a whole bunch of gamergate/MRA types disingenuously claiming they never heard of this Cernovich guy, he’s an idiot, he doesn’t have anything to do with gamergate or much of anything else, don’t you dare tar the noble cause of gamergate with this moron’s stupid claims.
So Cernovich is getting dissed by Watson, and dissed by his allies. It’s good to see.
That’s a feature of the movement. I have had a few arguments (I won’t call them debates) with MRA’s and any time you bring up any member of the movement, they disavow all knowledge of that person or that person’s ideas. They are quick to claim that there are no leaders, no voices any louder than the others.
I’m sure Cernovich will watch Rebecca’s video and apologize for spreading misinformation. Right after he publicly states that GamerGate was never about “ethics in journalism”.
I’ve seen this behaviour a lot on Twitter. “Who is that? I’ve never heard of them” they say, but then you check their tweets you see they have RTed them plenty of times, and are subscribed to them. Of course, there is also an endless array of newly created accounts, which no history, and one cannot do this with those, but really, are they fooling anyone but themselves? GGers seem to best very good at fooling themselves and other GGers, but I am not sure many outside that little sphere really buy what they are selling at this point. It is all so transparent and dishonest.
I mean, follow them, not subscribe. It is Twitter of course. I am sure some pedantic asshole would pick up on that.
Oh, my! I wait with breathless anticipation! I am sure that Watson is going to use … facts. Which has the same effect on these chumps as salt on a slug. (Don’t do that to slugs, it’s cruel)
I’m going to run downstairs and pop a small batch of popcorn then come up and hit “play”
Probably the least serious part of the whole thing, but I did actually perform a lol at ‘No true hetero.’
I missed Cernovich’s original comment. Did he say that the risk of HIV to males from heterosexual sex is actually zero, or did he just say that it’s low enough to not worry about? Because the second one is at least semi-plausible whereas only a complete moron would believe the first one.
More than half of the adult population (15 years old or older), more than half of all people with HIV are women. Since 2006, HIV related deaths have been the leading cause of death of women in their reproductive years. How could this possibly be, if heterosexual men did not get HIV?
They’re all lesbian drug-users?
Remember it’s just a few bad apples. Gamergate itself is just fine. If a person says relly bad shit they’re obviously no true gamergater and never have been. Just a few bad apples.
True, to this day nobody has managed to find an even remotely not disgusting apple among them, but that’s no evidence that there’s anything wrong with Gamergate as a whole
Cernovich’s theory–that viruses cannot be transmitted from female to male during sex–should be researched further. He needs to put his money where his mouth is and demonstrate (preferably personally), that other viruses, like, say, Ebola, can’t be sexually transmitted from female to male.
If he’s not willing to participate in proving his theory with Ebola, then he doesn’t really believe his own theory about AIDs, does he?
He edited his post to change from the former to the latter. But still insisted on exaggerating the level of risk even with that adjustment.
So AIDS can only be xmitted oneway? ( M –> F )*( F –><– M )?
How would that be possible?
The powerful spermozoans must be the vectors! They are produced by the M and xmitted to the F, and not vice verse.
Verrrry Interrrrestingggg. Show us the evidence Doctor Cernovich, show us your evidense.
Does you even gots any?
twas brillig: If that was a serious question, here:
So the risk is lower for the man having sex with a woman, vaginally. Though risk is also lower for oral sex anyway, regardless of partner.
The interesting thing about Mike’s stance on this is that not only does blatantly exaggerate the lower risk level, but he ignores the woman in the equation because it is convenient: The risk sure as hell ain’t lower for her.
It seems like it is all just an excuse to gay bash. the specter of HIV/AIDS has been essentially used for that purpose for decades now.
re @14:
Sorry, no, not a serious question, but a blatant exaggeration to the absurdistic extreme. Yes, I understand, the risk is the area of the virus-penetrable membranes (mucus membranes) that come into contact between an infected and uninfected person. {clearly, the female has far more exposed during “interpersonal relations”, than the male does, but the male’s surface area of exposure is NOT zero, it exists as a finite (not infinitesimal) number) So there, Cernovikkk.
I would only make one addendum to what Watson said about women as invisible victims. In the early days of HIV and AIDS, the medical industry made the stupid assumption that women and men would have the same symptoms when in reality they don’t. Women went undiagnosed for longer periods, meaning they had very short survival rates after diagnosis, often because they weren’t getting treatment like AZT during the early stages of the disease.
No doubt Cernovich believes “you can tell just by looking” that someone has HIV.
That’s: “Mike Cernovich ‘dispwned’ by Rebecca Watson.” :)
Gamergaters seriously argue that being a “leaderless movement” means you can’t criticize the movement for anything a member does or says, because it’s always just an individual acting alone. This is even true in the case of a) things done and said by dozens of GGers working together and b) things done and said by the people who are, let’s face it, the leaders of Gamergate.
There’s a special aggravation to dealing with stupid people who think they’re being clever.
well… I’m rubber, you’re glue. :P