Why are the traitors still in office? » « Elevatorgate still smolders in the minds of the riff-raff I never thought of a personal ad One of my goals for the summer is to get some hot and heavy breeding going on in the lab. The Far Side Or how about an online dating service? Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Why are the traitors still in office? » « Elevatorgate still smolders in the minds of the riff-raff
richardelguru says 4 June 2021 at 10:29 am You mean like….on the web. (Hey, someone had to say it, an dI can take the opprobrium.)
larrylyons says 4 June 2021 at 11:40 am I cn just see it, an Arachnoid Tiinder or Grinder. Perhaps call it SpidR
stroppy says 4 June 2021 at 12:32 pm I don’t know how reputable this site is, but here you go: “This section allows our classified account holders to post advertisements for tarantulas and other arachnids, scorpions, centipedes, and other insects and invertebrates.” http://market.kingsnake.com/categorysearch.php?action=search&keywords=Spider&cat=161
stroppy says 4 June 2021 at 12:43 pm Spider p.r. silliness. Lucas the spider is new to me, but with over 17 million views, not news to everyone else apparently.
lumipuna says 4 June 2021 at 3:02 pm I can just see it, an Arachnoid Tinder or Grinder. Perhaps call it Spidr Spinster.
PZ Myers says 4 June 2021 at 9:39 pm No, spiders have camera eyes like ours, not compound. Of course, they do have 6-8 eyes.
You mean like….on the web. (Hey, someone had to say it, an dI can take the opprobrium.)
I cn just see it, an Arachnoid Tiinder or Grinder. Perhaps call it SpidR
Something about those personal ads…
I don’t know how reputable this site is, but here you go:
“This section allows our classified account holders to post advertisements for tarantulas and other arachnids, scorpions, centipedes, and other insects and invertebrates.”
Spider p.r. silliness.
Lucas the spider is new to me, but with over 17 million views, not news to everyone else apparently.
Shouldn’t spider reading glasses have dozens of lenses?
No, spiders have camera eyes like ours, not compound.
Of course, they do have 6-8 eyes.
I spin corrected.