There’s something deeply Lovecraftian about all this Squidmas shenanigans. It won’t be long until it becomes Cthulhumas, and the brainwashing of our children will begin in earnest. Or continue in earnest, but in a different direction.
Michael G.R.– Since the Flying Spaghetti Monster is licensed under a non-commercial creative commons license, there aren’t any commercially available FSM holiday cards (until FSM creator Bobby Henderson starts selling them on
Having said that, I did just add a FSM e-card *just for you*:
Squidmas. It sounds like something I could really sink my beak into, but I know nothing about it. Please enlighten this cephalopodophile about the origins and nature of Squidmas.
Here is a look at Fox News’s look at the “war on xmas” based on the 12 days of xmas.
If you don’t laff, you are probably dead.
I’m glad I’m a conservative, not a West-hating socialist.
Michael G.R.– Since the Flying Spaghetti Monster is licensed under a non-commercial creative commons license, there aren’t any commercially available FSM holiday cards (until FSM creator Bobby Henderson starts selling them on
So is Squidmas, but you don’t see that stopping anyone…
actually, come to think of it, isn’t the FSM card offered by the same artist who made the second generation Squidmas cards?
Why does that squid have an illuminated condom over its mantle?
I thought it was one of those South African rape prevention devices! (either groan or laugh here)
Actually, I think it’s a cute card.
I’m glad I’m a semi-intelligent web programmer, and not a conservative athlete. I’m terrible at sports and if I had to go pro I’d never have time to program web sites.
I mean c’mon… what kind of dumb statement is that “I’m glad I’m a conservative and not a west-hating socialist”? If you don’t want to be a west-hating socialist, you aren’t going to be one so there’s nothing to be glad about???
Have a calaMari Squidmas, everyone!
I decided to get a jump on Easter. Sadly, my photoshop powers are weak.
Why does that squid have an illuminated condom over its mantle?
Are those lights artificial, or natural bio-luminescence?
Reminds me of this beauty:
There’s something deeply Lovecraftian about all this Squidmas shenanigans. It won’t be long until it becomes Cthulhumas, and the brainwashing of our children will begin in earnest. Or continue in earnest, but in a different direction.
Awesome! I wonder if they also have Flying Spaghetti Monster ones too..?
Squiiiid Chuuunks roasting on an open fiiiire….
I like them battered and fried and served with a lemon and crushed san marzanos.
Damn, now I’m hungry.
Michael G.R.– Since the Flying Spaghetti Monster is licensed under a non-commercial creative commons license, there aren’t any commercially available FSM holiday cards (until FSM creator Bobby Henderson starts selling them on
Having said that, I did just add a FSM e-card *just for you*:
Flying Spaghetti Monster FREE E-Card
Happy holidays!
I’m glad I’m a conservative, not a West-hating socialist. Even secular conservatives respect the social function of religion.
Here’s a squid-themed holiday card I painted back in 2002.
Dustin, I like your Easter cuttlefish image!
Squidmas. It sounds like something I could really sink my beak into, but I know nothing about it. Please enlighten this cephalopodophile about the origins and nature of Squidmas.
Here is a look at Fox News’s look at the “war on xmas” based on the 12 days of xmas.
If you don’t laff, you are probably dead.
Hey! A troll! Let’s feed him…
…to Kraken as a Squidmas sacrifice.
Support the War on Christmas! Buy Yule Bonds!
West-hating socialist? LOL … wow. Mr. Knight’s credibility just coughed up some oil and started plummeting earthward. Curse you, Red Baron!
I agree, though – MadLibs are fun!
I’m glad I’m a liberal, not a dog-eating cougar roaming the hills of Montana.
I’m glad I’m a woman, not a defective child’s toy in the hands of a two-year-old.
I’m glad I’m a Democrat, not a white supremacist.
“Even secular conservatives respect the social function of religion.”
As to a suitable rejoinder, I’m torn between:
“Which is…?”
“How about the odd ones?”
Also, I like Mad Libs too! Let’s see…
I’m glad I’m a treehugging hippy-freak biologist, not an odd secular conservative.
I’m glad I’m an upholstered avocado, not a Pentacostal camshaft.
egads!!! hmmm…
Yes! better! OK then…
I’m glad I’m an unmitigated mucous calzone, not a well-greased frumious tardigrade.
We throw way better parties and you know it, Mr. Knight.
I’m glad I’m a gargoyle and not a masonry-hating Bauhausian.
I’m glad I’m a baseball and always whirling for freedom.
I’m glad I have a rock to wind a string around.
I know what to get Rey for Squidmas: A prosthetic forehead!
So is Squidmas, but you don’t see that stopping anyone…
actually, come to think of it, isn’t the FSM card offered by the same artist who made the second generation Squidmas cards?
welcome to the world wide web.
I thought it was one of those South African rape prevention devices! (either groan or laugh here)
Actually, I think it’s a cute card.
I’m glad I’m a semi-intelligent web programmer, and not a conservative athlete. I’m terrible at sports and if I had to go pro I’d never have time to program web sites.
I mean c’mon… what kind of dumb statement is that “I’m glad I’m a conservative and not a west-hating socialist”? If you don’t want to be a west-hating socialist, you aren’t going to be one so there’s nothing to be glad about???
Damn straight, about the parties…
Where did Squidmas begin? Holiday cards featuring squid designs date back to 2005 (see Holiday Squid and the Yule Squid (that I licensed for use from the artist) on DeviantArt. The term “Squidmas” was itself coined by a graphic artist named Beverly Houwing as an homage to her cat, Squid. There are other “Squidmas” mentions on the Internet, including one here from 2006. Of course, the highest profile Squidmas creation is Dorid’s Father Squidmas coloring book, available on Cafepress.
there’s a lot of difference between Christmas cards and Holiday cards with Squids on them and “Squidmas” Cards.
Andrew, we’ll probably go round and round this on a number of different blogs.
Squidmas is coming early in Seattle:
Giant stuffed squid! (or is it stuffed giant squid?)