I am not one to post un nuanced approval of any mass media work, but all I have to say about this interview excerpt is “Wow”.
Jon interviewed Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas Attorney General, about why her state banned gender-affirming care for minors – ignoring the guidelines of major medical organizations and taking the decision out of parents’ hands. Watch the full interview on @AppleTVPlus pic.twitter.com/4SoH3orWa6
— The Problem With Jon Stewart (@TheProblem) October 7, 2022
I’d very recently read an article about it (https://slate.com/business/2022/10/jon-stewart-leslie-rutledge-anti-trans-viral-interview.html).
One can only wish more interviews were like that.
Well, so much for “we just want parents to have a say in this!”
My knowledge of gender-affirming care is very superficial, so please correct me if I’m wrong, but in the case of minor children isn’t it standard to prescribe puberty blockers and to NOT perform any irreversible treatments until the patient reaches their majority?
Also, where is the horde who are the 98% of people who “move past” their gender dysphoria? If for every person who has successfully had or wants to have gender-affirming care there are 49 people who are glad they didn’t, there must be thousands of these, I’ll call them, “bootstrappers”. Where are the massive bootstrapper organizations telling thousands of stories from personal experience how they overcame their own gender dysphoria?
This is correct. Apparently in a very few circumstances (possibly only one? Not sure) someone has been given surgery while under 18yo. That was with full support of the parents and in the face of persistent suicidal ideation and a bunch of hoops. They’re also tracking the outcome(s) closely so that even though it’s not a valid statistical sample in terms of size, it can at least inform the next group of doctors who has to make a similar decision on a rare exception.
These are people who generally didn’t seriously consider medical intervention, but were people who violated gender norms and most often were queer as fuck. When the doctors told boys that they didn’t have to have surgery to date other boys and they said, “Phew, that’s a relief!” the jerk faces of the world counted that as a dangerous close call created by trans people rather than a sign of horrific heterosexism that’s causing kids distress.
I don’t believe kids are “confused” in the sense of not knowing what’s going on for them, but certainly many are confused about what being trans is, what the medical options are and how those will affect them. I mean, people go to medical school for years to be able to predict the effects on patients, it would be ridiculous for someone to expect a middleschooler to have a good handle on that.
The people who make contact with a program and don’t transition are “success stories” just as much as people who contact an adolescent gender medicine clinic and do end up transitioning — so long as both non-transitioner and transitioner end up happy.
The assholes want to tell us that it’s okay to mandate a single result because more people don’t transition than do. But that’s like mandating that everyone write right handed because more people are right handed than left.
Just let the kids be kids and find out what’s best for each by letting them feel their way through. It takes some time, but they’ll get there with honest information and good support.
I watch this video and see talking at cross-purposes.
She doesn’t believe in freedom, happiness, love, or parental rights and never did. The lies and hypocrisy she spouts are deliberate and seem necessary to her and not even hypocritical because to her there’s no such thing. She may or may not be aware of what Stewart’s viewers are like, but all that matters to her is the sound bite/pixel bite. She “won” in the eyes of the people that matter to her.
#3 moarscienceplz
Cripdyke gave you the sophisticated version in her second half. Gay kids are gay. Trans kids are trans. Thinking too hard about it either is hurty for her, or she is dead certain that her intended audience finds it too hurty to think about..
The nasty malicious lady, she is conflating the two in the video, because it’s fun. She is perfectly aware that she’s slipping that lie into Mr. Stewart’s narrative, because she wants to show willing to consider something. That thing being considered is that he does agree with the totally awful shit she believes in and she is giving him/handing him what she sees is a lifering and the opportunity to grab at that. (she does this carefully two other times with other points of his, and is even kind enough to repeat herself)
If you have time, I’d like your opinion on this Reuters article about trans kids and the health-care issues surrounding them:
It sounds generally informed and sympathetic toward trans kids and their parents; but it also sounds kinda alarmist, especially when it talks about the recent “explosion” in the number of gender-dysphoria cases, and harps a lot on how risky and unproven puberty-blockers supposedly are. Also, the huge cover-photo of a young girl’s mouth, with braces on her teeth and a little blue pill on her tongue, struck me as possibly a deliberately-alarming image, like “OH NOES, WHAT SCARY NEW SEX-DRUG ARE THEY FEEDING THAT SWEET INNOCENT CHILD?!!!”. I’d really like a critique of this piece from someone more knowledgeable than me. Thanks.
I’ll give it a shot, Raging Bee!