Yes, I know, I’m reading the opinion right now. Let’s stay calm unt—GOD FUCK ALITO GODDAMMIT

Here is one excerpt I’ve already taken. We’ll discuss a bunch of quotes and my general analysis soon.


He thinks Roe was “highly restrictive” in what it imposed.


Um, Alito? Roe was the OPPOSITE of imposing a highly restrictive regime. OP POH ZIT. Look it up.




  1. StevoR says

    Aussie ABC news article here FWIW :

    Which notes :

    in the three months since the draft circulated around the court, some may have changed their minds or suggested amendments.

    The source of the leak is unknown.

    But giving the document to the media weeks before the decision was set to be made public may have been a last-ditch attempt to pressure some justices to switch sides.

    I really hope that’s correct and that happens.

    Something needs to be done about the illegitimate last two SCOTUS Justcies Trump &McConnell appointed – I’m thinking arrests for rapoe and perjury maybe? – and the way SCOTUS has ended up (not) working.

  2. Pierce R. Butler says

    StevoR @ # 1: … may have been a last-ditch attempt to pressure some justices to switch sides.

    Or a last-ditch effort to block any moves toward moderation. From some tweeter (and former SCOTUS law clerk) named Amy Kapczynski, via Digby:

    … the most concrete impact of the leak is to lock in this opinion essentially as is. Any edits at this point reveal jockeying between Justices, undermine the majority, and Court itself. … Leaking is much more of the style of conservatives right now.

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