While of course that’s true, I still got a kick out of this by remembering two things, “Don’t be evil,” and Descartes.
I’m evil therefore I’m not!
Feel free to insert the joke about Descartes condescendingly declining a trip up to your room at midnight after a long day at the con.
John Moralessays
Had not mathy chipped in, I would have. It’s a glaring misapplication. Surely you noticed.
The classic case of the Christian deity is that it supposedly is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent; under those strictures, the existence of evil necessarily precludes the existence of at least one of those three attributes.
There’s only a contradiction if you assume Google is benevolent.
While of course that’s true, I still got a kick out of this by remembering two things, “Don’t be evil,” and Descartes.
Feel free to insert the joke about Descartes condescendingly declining a trip up to your room at midnight after a long day at the con.
Had not mathy chipped in, I would have. It’s a glaring misapplication. Surely you noticed.
The classic case of the Christian deity is that it supposedly is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent; under those strictures, the existence of evil necessarily precludes the existence of at least one of those three attributes.
(Thus theodicy)
Can’t resist — cf. https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FlatEarthAtheist
(I do believe in Google — even in Alphabet Inc.)