Satan: Good Witch or Bad Witch?

Matt Dillahunty of Atheist Experience fame has more than once asked a caller, “How did you determine that God is the good one and Satan is the bad one?” That question was made particularly relevant after I was sent this picture (from, interestingly, Texas):

Remember: Satan was the first to demand equal rights

Satan: Good Witch or Bad Witch?

When I first read this, there was another text message below, which led my screen to cut off just the red-background text naming the church. All I had was the text about Satan being the first to demand equal rights. Of course, combined with the identity of the sender (who would never disparage equal rights doctrine) I interpreted the statement as decidedly pro-Satan. Then, when I scrolled up to see messages above this one I caught the text “Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church” and my certainty was suddenly decimated. Now I’m of the opinion that it’s likely an anti-equal rights message, but, perhaps in part because of my initial perception, I simply can’t convince myself I should be sure.

A classic case of good witch or bad witch.


  1. says

    I wondered that my own self.

    But since he’s imaginary, his history is imaginary, and if someone wants to reimagine Satan’s conflict as being sourced in wanting to be equal to the Christian god… meh. It makes as much sense as anything else.

    A more traditional take, from

    What caused Satan to be cast from Heaven? He fell because of pride that originated from his desire to be God instead of a servant of God. Satan was the highest of all the angels, but he wasn’t happy. He desired to be God and rule the universe. God cast Satan out of heaven as a fallen angel.

    So … that’s not about equal rights as we think of it today. Satan wanted to be equal to a god, but he didn’t care if anyone else was equal to that god. But just as the Magna Carta gave rights only to the noble class but is rightly regarded as an important step towards political and legal equality before the government, it seems reasonable to say that Satan pushed for “equal rights” in the same way that the nobility covered by the Magna Carta pushed for “equal rights”.

    Now, is looney tunes – the next segment of their site goes like this:

    History of Satan – Who is he?
    Satan is often caricatured as a red-horned, trident-raising cartoon villain; no wonder people question the history of Satan. His existence, however, is not based on fantasy. It’s verified in the same book that narrates Jesus’ life and death (Genesis 3:1-16, Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezekiel 28:12-19; Matthew 4:1-11).

    So I’m not endorsing what they’re saying, just recognizing that what they’re saying is a pretty common Christian set of beliefs about Satan, and then pointing out that these relatively common beliefs are amenable to the “equal rights” interpretation of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church.

  2. says

    As a completely separate bit about the site, later in that article about Satan it says this:

    Throughout the history of Satan, evil has been his identity because he is directly opposite God’s character. God’s holy standard found in the Bible exposes evil. If not relying on its truth, we can easily error:

    Emphasis mine.

    Someone call Alanis Morissette, I think I found her missing irony.

  3. chigau (違う) says

    I am remembering what I concluded about Satan almost 50 years ago,
    there is nothing in the Bible that can really be identified as Satan,
    TheChurchFathers™ just made him up.
    (give me a break, I was 13 years old)

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