I kid you not, Rush Limbaugh fell for a satire article about oncoming Hurricane Florence, discussing it on air (and retweeting it? – I can’t find the source on that) to let his followers know that sharks
are being lifted out of the Atlantic Ocean and dumped into the storm because it’s so strong it’s sucking them in there.
The longer version might be even more laughable:
In addition to the pig manure, in addition to the slop, in addition to the floods, in addition to the cars rolling around on the waters in front of your house, in addition to the mudslides and the landslides, now you might end up with a shark in your front yard. I’m telling you right — you think I’m making this up? This appeared somewhere!
Yes. It appeared in the prestigious Pulitzer Prize-winning media outlet, “somewhere”. Oh, Rush.
Bizarrely, after asserting the sharks might end up in your front yard, he later added:
Of course the only water that might contain sharks would be storm surge. It isn’t going to be raining sharks. And that’s — The predominant water source in a hurricane is rainfall.
How sharks are being “lifted out of the Atlantic Ocean and dumped into the storm” without ever leaving the oceanic waters is a conundrum, surely. But if anyone can find a way to make a dumb “Sharknado is real!” fake news story even dumber, rest assured that Rush is the one to accomplish that feat.
I clicked on the link. I saw the video. Not convinced he fell for it.
I think it’s plausible that he is being incredulous about the story, and under that interpretation it makes sense that he further asserts “It isn’t going to be raining sharks.”, and that “they’re getting ready to call this “Donald Trump’s Katrina.””
(Still silly, but differently so)