FtB September Fundraising Event

It’s official! We’re doing a fundraising drive!

My role right now is to snork, and hopefully I have a couple readers who will be informed about this by me…

Some of my blogging colleagues have a lot to offer, as well!

T.D. Walker is auctioning off a Creative Coaching session! If you’re experience writer’s block or… really… any kind of creative block, then you definitely want to jump on this opportunity.

William Brinkman wants to give you a PDF of Bolingbrook Babbler articles from before they moved to FtB and then will do a reading from their book The Rift: A Bolingbrook Babbler Story. I… wish I had some money right now. That PDF seems super cool, honestly…

Finally, HJ Hornbeck wants to livestream Super Mario World! And depending on how much is donated, they’ll play World Randomizer on the “Way Cool” difficulty! I actually wanna see that, so… maybe help us hit those goals? Thanks!

I’ll post more updates (in separate posts) as they drop, so stay tuned!

Crip Dyke Reporting from Portland

lot of “news media” is “reporting” on what’s going on in Portland, but it’s also a lot of pro-police propaganda bullshit (yes, even from MSNBC… because they aren’t “left wing”, people). The best way to get an understanding of what’s actually going on is to seek out teh reports from protesters on the ground, actually experiencing this shit in real time.

And so, I present to you, Crip Dyke. The following is a link to her blog where I search for “Portland”. Sadly, it’s not quite in posting order (most recent first), but you really should be reading everything…

Pervert Justice: Portland

And here’s the most recent post about what’s going on

To be honest, the violence the federal police are instigating in Portland leads neatly into what my next post will be. That will be up in the morning. In the meantime, go read Crip Dyke’s posts on what’s going.

Thank you.

Our Very Own Siobhan Wrote For An Actual News Site!

So hey! You know Siobhan, right? She blogs right here, at Freethought Blogs.

But now she’s also published on an actual news publication! She wrote an article about a Canadian law that would very much help with trans equality that was published at The Establishment. You really should read that.

Also, while you’re at it, Siobhan and H.J. Hornbeck did a collaboration about a really disgustingly transphobic BBC “documentary”. Here’s what H.J. wrote, and here’s what Siobhan wrote. You really should read those, too.

From Marcus Ranum: Fellow Travelers

So I recently made three posts about my disappointment in Wikileaks and it’s fans. I am still angry about how they have been acting over this most recent presidential election. As Marcus Ranum noted, what I’m experiencing is the realization that Wikileaks was never an organization for good, but a vanity project by Julian Assange to boost his own ego; and that it was Assange and another hacker, Adrian Lamo, who threw Chelsea Manning under the bus.

Marcus wrote an incredible post about all this, drawing from his own first-hand experience with such hackers. I’ll quote the bit about what happened to Chelsea Manning here. But please, go and read the entire thing. It’s a long read, yes, but it’s very good, and deserves your full attention.

[Read more…]