Stop. Defending. Bigots. Even Liberal Ones.

Warning: This post is filled with even more strong language than usual. I’m angry, okay?

I get it.

I get that I cuss a lot, on Facebook, here on this blog… and I very often don’t do it in anger. I very often cuss in the routine of speaking. It’s part of my language… my voice. Some people think it’s crude. I get that. I also don’t care. But I am angry as hell, here. I’m sick and tired of this conversation.

So yes. More cussing than usual.

No. I’m not linking to it. I’m not going to bore you with the rehashed details of Bill Maher’s latest bigoted bullshit, when he a made a racist joke using the n-word in full.

You already know it all.

See, instead, what I want to talk about is all his defenders. All those supposedly “liberal” people who insist that “oh no! Bill Maher isn’t racist! He has black guests! He dates young black women! He’s the opposite of a racist!” and then absolutely demand that we must “allow differences of opinion! He has freedom of speech! Black people are allowed to say it! Why aren’t white people?!?”

So here’s the problem…

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This is Rape Culture in Action

(Trigger Warning: Discussion of gang-rape and rape culture. I’ll put the story below the fold, but I have some angry words for this.)

This is why I scream about rape culture. This is why I don’t trust society. I have zero respect for anyone who denies that rape culture is a real thing. This is fucking proof. You have no fucking ground to claim that rape culture isn’t a thing when shit like this can happen.

Holy fucking shit…

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Looking back at my blog recently, it is literally just me sharing stories of how terrible the current administration is, interspersed with Self Care posts.

I’m basically just posting angry, while attempting to lighten things up with nonsense. I haven’t really even provided ideas for resisting.

In my defense, everything is horrible, and everyone already knows how to resist. You all already have the tools, and know the protocols. Call, write, sign petitions, protest, vote… these are the vanguards of resistance. Worse, it so far looks like resistance isn’t fucking working…

And sadly, it’s not going to get better. Because I get a daily round-up of everything that happened that day in Agent Orange’s US-America (quick side-note: I first heard Agent Orange on TWiBPrime… I think Dara M Wilson was the one who I heard use it first; so it’s not mine), I blog about most of those. Every once in a rare while, there’s only one or two things, and they aren’t worth blogging about. But more often, the round-up is long, and there’s a lot I want to highlight.

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You’re Mad Because a Nazi Got Punched in the Face?

Let me just round up where we are in this country right now…

Let’s start with the fact that a Texas mosque went up in flames right after Agent Orange signed an executive order restricting migration from Muslim countries.

Then you should know that racist and anti-Semite Steve Bannon is now on the National Security Council.

As a reminder, the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipelines are now going ahead.

Also as a reminder, “progressive heroes” Elizabeth Warren and Sherrod Brown voted to approve Ben Carson for HUD secretary.

Oh! And another reminder! Our Cheeto-In-Chief has decided to start publishing a weekly list of crimes committed by immigrants.

And again… he wants to build actual fucking concentration camps.

But you’re pissed because a Nazi got punched in the face?

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It’s not okay. It’s not right, it’s not cool… it’s NOT FUCKING OKAY!

Listen up, white people…

We did this. We fucked up.

Listen up every liberal (myself included) who didn’t take Trump seriously…

We did this. We fucked up.

Maybe you want to know why I include myself, when I voted for Clinton? Because I’m still complicit in the Patriarchal White Supremacy that let this happen. As are you.

We should all be ashamed of ourselves.


And to women, people of color, the LGBTQ community, everyone who’s not Christian, everyone who’s not able-bodied…

I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry.



Are we about to elect Donald Trump as our next president?

No. This… this cannot be happening.

Why is this happening? How can this be happening?

Why are we letting it happen?

I don’t want this. Why does this have to happen?

Please please please let it just be a scare. I can’t do this. And I’m fucking white. I’m a fucking white man. But my friends?

People I love?

For them.

This can’t happen. It has to be stopped.