Unwarranted smugness is a signature hallmark of conservatives, and is often as hilarious as it is baffling. But even within the Republican realm, Ted Cruz proves himself to be an exemplary case pretty much every time he opens his mouth.
Hahaha, good one Michael. But…are we here? Are we really, Michael? ‘Cuz Texas is most definitely NOT here. (Conservatives hate democracy, Exhibit No. 699,231,019,271.) Speaking of Texas…
I don’t understand why those KKK hoods and white robes aren’t banned in Texas. For one thing, they function like COVID masks, and could, at least potentially, stop Texans from spreading the deadly disease. What’s up with that? Second, how will be able to tell if someone is having an abortion under there huh?
Also, anti-socialists should insist on paying a LOT more for their gas and oil, considering the US provides at least “$700bn a year in fossil fuel subsidies, equivalent to $2,180 for every American.” To be fair though, those numbers were calculated by those notorious commie pinkos over at the International Monetary Fund.
Jeezus. Even Dick Cheney is supportive of his gay daughter. It takes a, uh, very special kind of person to be worse than Dick Cheney.
LOL. Not that it will help. With conservatives prone to making up their own reality, books about actual reality are not going to end up anywhere but a bonfire.
Case in point:
Sarah Palin says she’s not vaccinated because she believes in the science. “I am one of those white, common sense conservatives,” Palin said. “I believe in science and I have not taken the shot.”
And now for something completely different, via Good News Network.
A Floating Flower Garden in Tokyo Immerses Visitors With Orchids That Move as You Approach
A three-dimensional mass of floating flowers created by teamLab in Japan has been moving visitors not only with its technological magic, but with its overwhelming natural beauty.
In this work called Flowers and I are of the Same Root, the Garden and I are One, people immerse themselves in the flowers, becoming one with the garden, says teamLab.
Open since July, the museum space is scented by the fragrance of 13,000 living orchids suspended from near-invisible wires.
They’re able to survive in mid-air because orchids are able to grow without soil, by absorbing water from the air.
The artwork space seems to be completely filled with flowers (especially because of the mirrored floor), but enter and pause, and the blossoms slowly rise to the ceiling whenever people approach, opening spaces previously concealed.
“The garden starts to make a space for humans… But they are moving super slowly, so you have to adjust your time to the garden’s,” reports CNN.
Founded in 2001 by Toshiyuki Inoko, teamLab is an art collective and interdisciplinary group of technologists who are blending art and science; technology and the natural world. The team includes artists, programmers, engineers, CG animators, mathematicians, and architects.
Here’s a promo video:
Enjoy… well, something today. Otherwise, the terrorists win.
Liz Cheney says Senate Dems are blocking good bills. My understanding is that the good bills are being blocked in the Senate by 52 Senators, of whom only two call themselves Dems, and 50 call themselves to be in the party of one Liz Cheney. What should we think?!
Great memes. Thanks. :-)
I know it’s not the point but the wording of that Rex Chapman tweet makes it look like Canadians usually have to pay for our vaccines. Every year I get to walk into my local pharmacy and get a flu shot without having to take out my debit card. But then, he may be just getting that from the announcement, and if so then the announcement is even weirder because why would the Canadian government be emphasizing that to Canadians who already get our vaccinations with no out of pocket expenses? (Though I’m not sure about the specialized ones only required when traveling out of country.)