Ahhhh shit you know what fucken time it is. It’s medical fundraiser time…
I maxed out my health care credit card again. One of those things that doesn’t exist outside of fucked up hellhole countries, I know. Furthermore, I had to go out of pocket about $700 bucks for this dental care. I don’t expect my adoring publique to pay thousands of bucks for the card debt, but maybe we could get some chonk of that $700?
This is time sensitive because I don’t get paid for another two weeks and what I have left in the bank won’t cover groceries, the phone bill, the storage bill, two automated payments for previous medical debts that are still running and due to hit before I get paid again… You get the idea.
Can I raise $700? Donate and I will write you a blog post on your topic of choice, containing ten words for every dollar you donate. I know, that’s not a very good rate, but I gotta get these dollas. If you chip in a few bucks you can get a haiku, right?
Let’s jam…
to be clear, I can afford *some* of the things on that list, but not all of them. i get groceries saturday morning, i have enough to cover that. will i have enough next saturday? not sure.
richard –

22% ain’t shabby for a first day of it being up. Thanks everybody! Even tho you didn’t ask for it, I’m gonna do some writing ASAP to justify myself…