The Camp Pendleton Cross

A group of Marines dragged a cross up a hill
To honor the loss of their brothers
In a land where we’re equal, according to law,
Though some are more equal than others.

The cross on the hill is a trivial thing,
So “establishment” need not apply
It isn’t religious—no need to remove it—
Besides which, I’d dare you to try.

Those atheist bastards who chose to complain
Are requesting divine retribution!
And no one believes in their flimsy excuse
That they’re fighting for our Constitution!

This nation was founded by Christians, you know—
In this country, majority rules!
We don’t need to hide behind legalese crap
Like those arrogant atheist fools!

Don’t lecture Marines on the duty they’ve sworn—
What they’re tasked to protect and defend;
They know what the law is; they know very well,
And if not, what the hell, they’ll pretend.

Rant, after jump: (oh, actually, before the jump, a note that PZ links to a poll on the topic you might want to express your opinion on.) [Read more…]

12 Years For Rape (um… that’s the victim)

Gulnaz was raped. There are none who deny;
The attacker was wed to her cousin.
The rape left her pregnant. That’s partially why
She’s been sentenced to jail, for a dozen.

An adulterous woman—or so say the courts—
Has few options by which to escape.
The best and the worst, by all recent reports,
Is to marry, to wipe out the rape.

The marriage, of course, would be to her attacker
Which Gulnaz is willing to do
What’s worse—though his family is willing to back her
Her own has a different view

Her rape has cast shame on the family name
And that cannot be changed, it is said
Yes, Gulnaz was raped; but she is to blame,
So her family, for shame, wants her dead.

The culture’s entrenched; it’s a matter of pride;
Protests will be to no avail
The damnedest thing—with her family outside,
Gulnaz may be safer in jail

Follow the link in the first line. I have no more to say. I want to, I just can’t.

A Powerful Message…

No poetry here, today. I’m too pissed off. “The family of god” has posted a nice message from an honest Jew, our dear friend Ben Stein. First off, I don’t care whether Ben Stein or anyone else posted it. I don’t really think he did, but it really doesn’t matter. I suspect it’s just an appeal to authority, which is a bit ironic considering what is about to happen. You see, in the message (I really don’t recommend clicking through to read it, but you certainly may), we find all sorts of things that contribute to the problems with America today (to keep with my more recent posts, I assure you that the first paragraphs are indeed a lamentation about The War On Christmas, with Ben Stein, “jewish commentator”, strongly on the side of Christmas); one such problem (which really appears to date the diatribe) is Dr. Spock:

Then Dr. Benjamin Spock said we shouldn’t spank our children when they misbehave, because their little personalities would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem (Dr. Spock’s son committed suicide). We said an expert should know what he’s talking about. And we said okay.

Now we’re asking ourselves why our children have no conscience, why they don’t know right from wrong, and why it doesn’t bother them to kill strangers, their classmates, and themselves.

Probably, if we think about it long and hard enough, we can figure it out. I think it has a great deal to do with ‘WE REAP WHAT WE SOW.’

We’ve seen a few examples recently of families who spank their children. Of course, they would not make the news except that sometimes these children have died as a result of their spankings and related abuse. In addition, it should be noted that Dr. Spock’s children are both still alive. Reports of a son’s suicide are, as Twain noted, “greatly exaggerated”.

So… Ben Stein, noted liar, is quoted as delivering false statements in support of a position. Are you convinced?

Guess what? It doesn’t bother me, either, when people say “Merry Christmas”. But that’s just me–I feel no need to lie to you about Dr. Spock or anyone else to reinforce my opinion of holiday greetings. I don’t need to lie to you and make claims that we “aren’t allowed to worship God”, even though I personally don’t worship any god, nor feel that you ought to. You are allowed to! Really, you are! Seriously, I am an atheist, and even *I* know you are allowed to worship your god.

I’d suggest that you comment and tell the website author what you think of their distortions, lies, falsehoods, and general examples of bearing false witness. But near as I can tell, they don’t allow comments. So rant here, if you like. Click through to them to get their attention, and let them know what you think here. And I pretty much guarantee you, it won’t make a damned bit of difference.

Oh, Newt!

Ok, since this one was eaten by the upgrade, I’m reposting it.

Now that pretty much every GOP candidate has had a turn at the top of the polls, we finally see Newt Gingrich (within margin of error) in a tie with Mittens for the lead (.pdf) . Given the average turnaround we’ve seen, there’s a very real chance he’s already peaked and will plummet by the time I post this (and yes, his unfavorable rating is higher than his favorable), but I will probably never have another chance. This was originally written after the thrice-married Newt warned us about the dangers of same-sex marriage, and their threat to the sanctity of the institution he is so familiar with. It’s a favorite, and another one that’s long enough I’m gonna put it after the jump: [Read more…]

Let’s Ask The Republican Candidates

Oh, goody! Another Republican debate tonight! But they never ask the questions I want them to.

Let’s ask the Republican candidates
As they gather tonight to debate
So together we’ll find
What they’ve got on their mind
As they gear up for fights
When they turn on the lights
For the cameras, this evening at eight.

Let’s ask the Republican candidates
And see how they answer today
If we’re under attack
In Iran or Iraq
Or in China, we met
With a credible threat,
Please tell us—how loud would you pray?

Let’s ask the Republican candidates
To see what their answers are worth:
When the scientists hold
It’s 4 billion years old
But your church-going base
Makes a much younger case
Could you tell us—how old is the earth?

Let’s ask the Republican candidates
Cos I’m sure that each one has a plan
With Americans viewed
As both stupid and rude
Please reflect on the ways
That our ignorance plays
In Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan?

Let’s ask the Republican candidates
As they each pick their path through the maze:
Take the case of Penn State
And their troubles of late
Or the pedophile search
Through the ranks of the church—
What’s the best way to blame this on gays?

Let’s ask the Republican candidates…

The Dirtiest Word In Politics: “Atheist”

In case you’d forgotten, we thought we’d remind you
With data that show a continuous trend
The electorate never will gather behind you
Unless you declare your invisible friend

Political races are known to be dirty—
With negative messages, branding, and hype;
The numbers today show at best around thirty
Percent who would vote for an atheist type

Yes, “godless” is hopeless in voters’ opinion
A view in which humans are nothing but beasts
Morality’s seen as the church’s dominion
(As evidenced clearly by pedophile priests)

Two thirds of the country is “somewhat” or “very
Uncomfortable” letting an atheist lead;
They’d rather Santorum, or Gingrich, or Perry—
They’re morons, but morons who follow a creed.

Until and unless they have power and money
They won’t be invited, or asked to the dance
The clowns are in charge, but it just isn’t funny:
In politics, atheists don’t stand a chance.

Context, after jump: [Read more…]

In God We Trust

Atheists! Look in your purse or your pocket;
There’s God on the money you carry around!
The motto is yours, though you atheists mock it,
And God’s how we know that our money is sound!

Your using this money is clearly hypocrisy
Atheists ought to refuse it—the fools!
Sucks to be you, though; our Christian democracy
Trusts in our God—and majority rules!

The courts say it’s legal, so quit your complaining—
No reason to get all your bills in a wad!
We Christians find atheists so entertaining—
Each time you use money, you’re praising our God!

Rant, after jump: [Read more…]


Where the worthless and unwanted can be found
Where the heathens have to gather
To escape religious blather
From the people who would rather
Keep them down

Out of sight
Out of sight
Where they work to earn what should be theirs by right
Though they’re made to feel unwanted
And their growth unduly stunted
Just to keep their weapons blunted
If they fight

When a student-run, but godless, organization
Makes its case before a Christian administration
It’s an exercise in reciprocal frustration
Cos the goals—to give a decent education
And encourage kids to god’s path to salvation
Can’t be done without some special dispensation
(How the bible is a source of inspiration
But that doubt can only work in moderation)
And a godless club is too much invitation
For the Devil to begin his exploitation
Which, as science shows, [hand-waving explanation
That can justify our awkward orchestration]
So the godless club deserves its segregation
To the underground and risk of suffocation
Cos the risk and cost of open toleration
Or of wink-and-nod-“tsk! Tsk!” accommodation
If the college gives complete cooperation
Is the prospect of pure hellfire and damnation
No release, not even sweet annihilation.

So they hide
Down inside
Where their meetings and their greetings won’t be spied
They will meet, cos people need ‘em
And for academic freedom
Which the faculty, who lead ‘em
Can’t abide.

A tiny bit more, and an excellent viddy, after the jump: [Read more…]

To Phrase A Coin

The motto is “In God We Trust”;
Display it everywhere, we must!
In doing so, recall, it’s just
A hollow little phrase.
It’s on our money, even though
It lost religion long ago—
Rote repetition made it so
It’s meaningless these days.

If you’re like me, you find it odd
That those who claim to love their god
Would fight to keep this cheap façade,
Especially on money!
But now, in congress, start the fight
To grow the phrase in public sight—
Replacing God with new “God lite”
You must admit, it’s funny

Remember Teddy Roosevelt
Opposed the motto, cos he felt
It sacrilege to put on gelt,
Insulting the creator
But that was then, and this is now;
We’ll push our god; we don’t care how,
With every method we allow.
And jobs? Well, maybe later.

Rant, after jump: [Read more…]

I’m Offended!

I’m offended! Yes, offended! And I want this practice ended!
But it’s not because I simply took offense!
Your pretense is, my offense is what’s been bothering my senses
And the truth is, your confusion is immense!
I’ve detected, you’ve neglected to reveal my view’s protected
By the first amendment of our constitution!
In conclusion, your illusion of my motives is delusion!
But I’m sure it fits your sense of persecution.

Rant, after jump: [Read more…]