Headline Muse 10/13

A decision that’s mostly expected
Puts the nix on your being elected
Though you might have it in ya
To run in Virginia
Your challenge has just been rejected

Headline: Judge Rejects GOP Candidates’ Request To Be Added To Virginia Ballot

District Court Judge John Gibney Jr. rejected their requests, arguing that they filed their challenges to Virginia’s stringent ballot requirements too late.
“They played the game, they lost, and then they complained about the rules,” he said.

Headline Muse, 1/9

As endorsements go, this one’s a beaut—
And it’s not just some guy in a suit
When you’ve got the First Dude
Your opponents are screwed:
Todd Palin endorses The Newt

Headline: Todd Palin endorses Newt Gingrich; Sarah Palin still undecided in GOP race

Favorite line:

He said he supports Gingrich, who was first elected to Congress in 1978 and served as the Speaker of the House from 1995 to 1999, because he’s not one of those “beltway types.”

Headline Muse, 1/8

Though you might not be sure at first glance,
Looking twice might be taking a chance
So you try not to spy
At what first caught your eye…
Cos they’re riding, but not wearing pants

Headline: Subway riders to drop pants as part of global event

Via CNN:

Train commuters in major cities worldwide will get a little cheeky Sunday as part of the annual No Pants Subway Ride that … well … is exactly what it says.
Pranksters will converge at train stations decked out in shirts, shoes and no pants.

In solidarity with them, although there is no subway in Cuttletown, I am posting this while not wearing pants. Eyes front, soldier!

Headline Muse 1/7

In New Hampshire, a guaranteed Gomer*
Can believe that life owes him a homer—
In the first-voting state
Let’s shake up the debate
By inviting both Karger and Roemer!

Headline: Let’s shake things up: Let Roemer, Karger debate (might need to register.)

Come on… you’ve heard everything the big dogs are going to say. The one advantage New Hampshire claims to offer is a chance for the little voices. The people without a ghost of a chance. So let’s make NH relevant. Let’s invite some of the also-rans to the big show.

This is the time to make our primary more relevant than any of the other forums and debates to this point and rewrite the contest – which we often do.

Inviting former Louisiana governor Buddy Roemer to the table would draw attention to an issue that he has been focusing on: campaign financing and where the money to buy the presidency comes from. It’s long overdue. And it can be done by just an invitation.

And of course, the candidate already endorsed by The Digital Cuttlefish

In addition to Roemer, Fred Karger has also been running a serious statewide campaign. He should be invited to the table as well.

Karger has a different view on social issues than the rest of the Republican field, and that could generate a broader, more meaningful dialogue – which should be the goal of any debate.

Of course, this being the right thing to do means pretty much that there is no chance in hell that it will be done.

Sadly… *”Gomer” (an acronym–Get Out of My Emergency Room) has a few definitions, but the common thread is that they are pretty much already dead, they just don’t know it.

Headline Muse, 1/4

She had shotgun; she had ammunition,
But was put in an awful position;
So she called nine-one-one
Ere she fired her gun—
He was dead once she got her permission.

Headline: Okla. Woman Shoots, Kills Intruder: 911 Operators Say It’s OK to Shoot.

A young Oklahoma mother shot and killed an intruder to protect her 3-month-old baby on New Year’s Eve, less than a week after the baby’s father died of cancer.

I’ve lost friends to gun accidents, but there’s no way in hell I would oppose this woman’s actions.

“I wouldn’t have done it, but it was my son,” McKinley told ABC News Oklahoma City affiliate KOCO. “It’s not an easy decision to make, but it was either going to be him or my son. And it wasn’t going to be my son. There’s nothing more dangerous than a woman with a child.”

Headline Muse, 12/14

In the government, business, and school,
Though the prejudice sometimes is cruel,
If you want something done
Who’s your pick? Who’s the one?
In Bulgaria, smart women rule.

Headline: Do women rule Bulgaria?

In my experience, Bulgarian women are one of the more powerful forces of nature. The people who got things done–whatever was needed–while my group were in Bulgaria, were strong, smart, Bulgarian women. Today’s headline was a nice chance to see that I was not merely seeing things. More after the jump: [Read more…]

Headline Muse, 12/8

Yeah, it looks like the ones that we own
And they found it where ours might have flown—
Now the Pentagon blues
Are all over the news—
The Iranians show off our drone!

Headline: U.S. official: Iran does have our drone

(CBS News) A U.S. official tells CBS News that there is “high confidence” that a captured American aircraft shown on Iranian television today is, in fact, one of this country’s most sophisticated spy planes.
The Pentagon declined to comment, but the American official says analysis of the video confirms the RQ-170 unmanned drone was captured. Exactly how that happened is still being analyzed.