Deep question of the day. Is it fun to have protracted arguments about complicated subjects on Twitter?
I say no. Hell no. It’s irritating as fuck. It’s stupid. It’s pointless – because there are better tools available so why the hell use Twitter? Twitter is good for some things, but complicated arguments are not among those things.
I know this extra at the moment because some derp tried to have such an argument with me earlier and it was completely annoying. The derp read Foster Disbelief’s post about misogyny and privilege and tweeted at me
Speaking out against misogyny, and making it clear that the only valid white male opinion is one that lines up with his.
But that’s not what he said – but how boring and irritating to try to make that case on Twitter! But I tried anyway, and the derp kept replying, and I kept replying, and it was all completely futile because 140 characters.
People of the world, stop using Twitter to argue about things that take more than 140 characters! Just stop!