Hey who knew, god has a Facebook page – or rather, God, since if there’s a Facebook page, the person behind it must be a person, i.e. God.
It’s pretty funny.
Here’s another one.
Let me save you
From what I’m going to do to you if you don’t worship me.
It’s having some innocent fun with Fred Phelps, naturally.
I loved this bit: https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/t1.0-9/s261x260/1509671_10152367790703413_736016903_n.jpg
um…”El Salvador”? That’s apparently the title to this page (or a jumble of numbers).
Blanche, “el salvador” does mean “the savior” in Spanish, so it makes sense.
Or maybe the title was supposed to go with a piece on El Salvador. Dunno.
Yes, el salvador. Because of the “Let me save you” part. Not that difficult, surely.
God also has a blog: