Alabama. Alabama’s really pushing the envelope these days.
The Alabama Public Service Commission apparently begins all of its meetings with a prayer session, but a recent one from last week took on what some consider an unusually political message, lamenting the “sinful” ways of those who allow gay marriage, abortion, and the “removal” of God from public schools.
APSC commissioner Twinkle Cavanaugh introduced her friend, John Delwin Jordan, a member of her local baptist church and an active Prattville Tea Party leader.
Wait. Twinkle? Prattville? For real?
Jordan began his prayer session imploring the meeting attendees to hold their hand up if they “believe in the power of prayer.”
The end of the four-minute prayer saw a turn from the theological to the political, with Jordan lamenting aloud: “God, we’ve taken you out of our schools, we’ve taken you out of our prayers, we’ve murdered your children, we’ve said it’s OK to have same-sex marriage. God, we have sinned. And we ask once again that you’ll forgive us of our sins.”
Oh shut up. It’s not “we” – you mean “they,” and you want god to punish us and forgive you. Own it. Just tell god to smite all the infidels and throw them into hell, then say “thank you for inviting me” and get out.
Meanwhile somebody should take the Alabama Public Service Commission to court.
H/t Christopher.
No you fucking haven’t. We did that. You fuckers blocked that shit. You don’t get credit for that.
When the devil comes to take us all to our gay orgy baby-killing reward, I want it on record that these shits weren’t helpful at all with taking god out of shit and murdering his children, whenever that apparently happened.
I’m tempted to cut some of these sanctimonious people off in traffic just to see if they take the Lord’s name in vain…or if they are really as sin-less and stain-free as they claim to be.
There’s a joke about that, smhll
I’m sorry, but Twinkle? Oy.
Would it be redundant to glitter-bomb Twinkle Cavanaugh?