Ok, here we go…
Ropes and chains have been found inside the Cleveland home where police say
three women spent close to a decade in captivity, city officials said Wednesday.
Because that’s what you do when you’re three guys – you capture three women and chain them up so you can fuck them whenever you want to without having to do anything like win their affection, be kind and thoughtful, take a shower now and then.
Ariel Castro’s wife might have been a clue, if anyone had been able to combine things.
According to court documents, Ariel Castro’s former wife accused him of repeatedly abusing her, including breaking her nose twice, breaking two ribs, dislocating her shoulder twice and knocking out a tooth.
Grimilda Figueroa also accused Castro of causing a blood clot on her brain, according to the 2005 documents.
A judge granted a protection order, but lifted it three months later after repeated court delays and hearings Castro did not attend, according to the documents.
Excuse me? Castro stonewalled the court so the court lifted the restraining order on him? That’s how that works?
Meanwhile let me expand the cheery advantages of chaining women up. You can fuck them whenever you want to without having to do anything like win their affection, be kind and thoughtful, take a shower now and then, or refrain from beating the shit out of them.
Castro had MRA talking points on his facebook page https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/45645_361179550657770_1837398385_n.jpg and now the MRAssholes are blaming feminism for causing tragedies like this one. http://manboobz.com/2013/05/08/mras-at-the-spearhead-blame-women-feminism-for-cleveland-abductions/
I’m shocked! Shocked, I tell you!
(No, I’m not.)
I was wondering what the MRA reaction to this story would be. It was pretty much what I expected.
Oh good god. I wasn’t expecting that. (Classism, I guess. I think of MRAs as mostly middle class. Stupid of me.)
I noted, while scanning through radio stations this morning, that some right wing news sources were heavily emphasizing the fact that these men are Puerto Rican. As in, other. As in, brown. As in, not like us. As in, don’t make us think about whether our culture is implicated by their actions.
But it stands to reason doesn’t it? What self-respecting alpha male doesn’t think to himself “My God, I’m so persecuted by these evil feminists I’ll just have to kidnap a woman and chain her up in my basement?”
Ophelia, there are plenty of working class men who may not have heard of the MRA but have MRA-type attitudes to women.