Interlude. (By the way it’s snowing here right now. Quite hard. This is very odd for March 17 in this particular spot on the globe. A few miles east, in the mountains, it wouldn’t be odd, but down here it’s very odd.) One of the entertainers at QED last Saturday, as I mentioned, was Alun Cochrane, and I thought he was dam’ funny. This is what he’s like.
Why did it take so long to combine suitcases and wheels is a good question.
I’ve been ‘avin’ a go at this all week
can’t do it
i agree the suitcase and wheels is a good question, British old ladies nearly stumbled on the idea decades ago
I dont know if they pre date the moon missions
…whereas in Ottawa, the pubs had their freakin’ *patios* open for St. Paddy’s Day imbibulation. I can’t recall that ever happening before. Appropriately, we held a talk about global warming denialism…..