The Skeptic is giving awards for best skeptical things in several categories. This is its debut in the awards business, so give it a big hand!
Please join in, by voting for:
- The best podcast
- The best blog
- The best event, campaign or outreach event of the year. This could be an organisation or website that has done a particular task over a period of time, or it could be one event which has helped to raise public awareness of a skeptical issue
- The best science video clip on the web
- The best sceptical video clip on the web
We’ll sort the five most popular of your podcast, blog and event/campaign/outreach nominations and present them to our panel of judges who will make the final selection. We’ll also find the most popular of your video clip nominations in both video categories and those categories’ winners will be decided by you.
So go ahead, nominate some things.
We’re very happy that QED has agreed to host the awards ceremony at QEDCon in Manchester in March 2012. The Skeptic Team is looking forward to celebrating the efforts from within our community at its largest annual meeting.
Yes and I’ll be there. At QEDCon. In Manchester. In March 2012. It’ll be fun. So hurry up and nominate all the things.
By your command.
I put down the comment that launched a thousand male supremacists as best skeptical video.
Ah, good thought!