First Test tube baby was in India 7500 years ago !
This is not just another claim by a ruling Hindutva BJP leader in India. Shockingly this was given as a fact in school text books in Karnataka state of India !!!
![Image credit - The Telegraph](
Image credit – The Telegraph
First Test tube baby was in India 7500 years ago !
This is not just another claim by a ruling Hindutva BJP leader in India. Shockingly this was given as a fact in school text books in Karnataka state of India !!!
Image credit – The Telegraph
What should history text books in California call the area of Asia, which includes India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka ? Should they call it India or South Asia ? How should those text books portray caste system? Should they mention family of birth is the most important factor deciding caste or should it say professional excellence also play a big role in it ?
There is a raging battle going on in California on these questions.