My shirt is here! Áta čhó! (very cool). Rick got the hat. Order, wear them all over the place, send the message! :D
You can see our Marcus looking all spiffy in one of the hats here. :D
When Valerie Taylor spotted a family of newcomers looking lost in the hustle and bustle of rush hour at Toronto’s Union Station on Wednesday, she offered to help them find their train. (Charlsie Agro/CBC)
We could all use more nice, and here’s a heaping helping of nice.
When Valerie Taylor spotted a family of newcomers looking lost in the hustle and bustle of rush hour at Toronto’s main Union Station on Wednesday, she offered to help them find their train. What she didn’t know was that some 50 people would do the same, on a day that would turn out to be one of her most memorable trips home ever.
Taylor, a psychiatrist at Toronto’s Women’s College Hospital, said she was heading home on Wednesday after what had been a hectic few days. The heat was blazing, she was tired and looking forward to getting home, when she spotted a large family with two baby strollers and several heavy bags.
They looked confused, she said, and a young woman was trying to help them.
Taylor went over to see if she could lend a hand.
“Are you new here?” she asked. Only one of the children, who said he was 11, could speak much English.
“Yes,” he said. They had just arrived from Syria four months ago, he told her, and were looking to get to Ancaster, about 85 kilometres southwest of Toronto, to spend a few days with family there.
Taylor was headed in the same direction and offered to take them to the right train. To their surprise, strangers began to take notice and to help carry the family’s bags up the stairs and onto the train, some riders even making room to give the family a place to sit, Taylor said.
But once they’d boarded and the 11-year-old showed Taylor the address they were headed to, she realized they were on the wrong train. It was London they were headed to, another 100 kilometres past Ancaster, and the Lakeshore West line they were on wouldn’t get them there.
“Right away people started trying to problem-solve,” Taylor said, some looking on their phones for the best way to get the family to London. “It was just: ‘We have a goal, we have to get these people there.'”
She’d also decided she would pay for their train tickets and helped them to enter their information into the self-serve kiosk.
“The 11-year-old was a little bit suspicious, like, ‘Okay, we’ve been in this country four months … I don’t know why everyone’s trying to be so helpful,'” Taylor said.
But together he and Taylor entered the necessary details into the computer so that they could buy the tickets.
That’s when a woman came running across the station and yelled, “Stop, stop! Don’t pay for anything!”
It was a staff member. “I just got a call from the head office,” she said. “GO is sending a bus.”
In the end, though, Metrolinx, the agency in charge of regional transit, sent the family to London in two cabs, spokesperson Anne Marie Aikins told CBC News. The next train and bus weren’t expected for some time so it was decided that was the best way to transport mom, dad and all six kids, one of whom was disabled and had a special stroller, she said.
It was yet another act of kindness in a string of so many Taylor witnessed that day. In total, she estimated about 50 people had helped in some way or another to get the family to London.
“It really was quite amazing,” she said. “It was really just groups of random strangers coming together to just do the right thing and help this family connect with their relatives for the weekend.”
There’s a whole lot more at CBCnews. Thanks to rq for this sorely needed dose of nice.
A photo posted by Speaker Paul Ryan (@speakerryan) on
Last Saturday, Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) posted an Instagram photo featuring Capitol Hill interns with the caption, “I think this sets a record for the most number of #CapitolHill interns in a single selfie.”
That may be true, but people took note of the photo for a different reason — almost everyone in it appears to be white.
Some Twitter users noted the lack of diversity, posting about the photo with a #GOPSoWhite hashtag.
A few days later, interns working for Congressional Democrats decided to respond. Audra Jackson, an intern working for Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX), decided to take her own selfie — one showcasing the diversity of interns on her side of the aisle.
My intern Audra Jackson led Democratic Interns in their own selfie 2day showing #DemInternDiversity #DemInternSelfie
— US Rep E.B.Johnson (@RepEBJ) July 19, 2016
Pictures, worth thousands of words. Via Think Progress.