I was born on Friday 13th, 45 years ago. This Friday, to be precise. When I learned that it is supposed to be a “bad luck” day, I thought to myself “that makes sense, considering…”.
I am not superstitious, but whenever I reflect on my life so far, I do think the same still, although in some respects I am among the lucky ones. But depression does not lend itself to dispassionate analysis.
Anyhoo, this year the world burns, again, and it keeps getting worse. Hooray.
René says
Congrats. Or condoleances. Whatever suits you better.
I agree, it won’t get any better.
seachange says
I am also a 13th Friday child.
Great American Satan says
I’m exactly one month older than you, kiddo. Ya runny-nosed kid. Ya infant of Prague.
avalus says
Jazzlet says
Well it was a lucky day for us, so congratulations!
Giliell says
Seconding Jazzlet. Belated happy birthday.
My best friend got married on a Friday the 13th and the marriage is approaching 40 years.
Ice Swimmer says
Thirding Jazzlet and seconding Giliell! Congratulations!
At that day I was a little kid who may have got his first tooth at last (I got it at 1 year 8 months, so that’s quite close to Charly’s birthday).
=8)-DX says
There were some ppl on twitter saying Friday 13 is only the “unlucky” day because Xtians wanted to discourage people from celebrating the pagan Freya day (which was about fucking). Wholesome.
dianne says
I was born on Tuesday the 13th, but turned 13 on Friday the 13th.