From Avalus,
Hey there folks,
as I am sitting in quarantine, I remembered a silly fotoshoot I took with a friend of mine a while ago. I really want to share this picture from it.
I hope you all stay safe and keep your friends and relatives safe. For me personally, the pandemic is very serious as four of seven family members fall into more than one risk-category. So reducing the spread really hits home.
Ps: I was thinking about going shopping in this mask and gloves, but that would really not help anyone. So I did not.
I like it, I’d say that this outfit looks sort of cute.
Stay healthy!
Did you repurpose grandpa’s war equipment?
Very dapper!
Thank you! Being cute was the point :)
The mask is functional and part of my post-apocalyptic-LARP kit. It is a russian design.
In Finnish army slang, the gas mask is called “nasse”, which alludes to the fact that a gas mask with the speaking diaphragm makes you look vaguely porcine and Nasse is a traditional name for a piglet, porsas or possu in Finnish.
And, yes that’s a cute picture.