Today is one of those ‘April Showers’ kind of days, but Jack and I got our timing right for a change and managed to stay dry for our whole trip around the duck pond. It’s still blustery, but yesterday’s -4º has given way to today’s +13º and the change is quite pleasant. It’s also pleasant to look around and see signs of spring everywhere. Daffodils and tulips have sprouted, the swans are outdoors at the park again and the trees get slightly fuzzier everyday. Even the lawns are starting to green up. A bit of sunshine would help, but with or without it Spring will keep inching forward. I’d like to poke it with a broom to make it hurry up.
Ooooh I wonder what colour they will be?
I was walking around Shugborough park and formal gardens on Thursday with Thorn, while Jake did more energetic things with Mr J. The formal garden has clipped yews with strips of flower beds between them, at the moment with hyacinths going over a little and lots of glorious tulips provideing a colourful link between the deep green yews.
I wonder what colour they will be, too. Our city changes the colour scheme every year and at the end of the season they sell the bulbs to the community. Our city won the Canada-wide City Beautiful Award about 10 years ago. Your park sounds lovely. I haven’t seen any open hyacinths yet.
What a terrible way to create a book collection. ‘Yes, this is my blue shelf and over here we have the red shelf.’ What about multicoloured spines or even content? Do people think this makes them look smarter? Sheesh.