The second-to-last looks like some kind of rake. The rusting horse-drawn hay-rakes I saw as a kid in the countryside had seats much like the machine in the first picture has.
I think the first machine is a plough, the front with the horse attachment (there has to be a proper name for that) towards us, the ploughing parts visible between the front and back wheels.
That’s a heavy-duty plow, if so (I’m inclined to agree).
Also concur re: the rake, but like a hay rake.
I’m trying to figure out picture 2, but I think it’s a bit too far gone without getting hands-on with the bits and pieces.
I wonder why noone scrapped the metal. Here a pile of iron left unattended would not stay that way long.
I love coming across these rusted pieces of the past, took some 2 weeks ago above Renmark.
Charly, this is usual for OZ; bits of farm machinery, sheds, cars, even houses all left abandoned when they are no longer useful. On a recent trip I came across abandoned fuel tanks in the middle of nowhere. They had been established as a fuel reserve during WW2, well away from anywhere that may have been a target for the enemy. No longer useful, they sit staring balefully over the fields.
Somehow in editing I made this about me and lost my first line
That’s the fascinating thing about this little place, it’s “hidden in plain sight” in a scruffy little olive grove in the middle of a 50 acre ploughed paddock. Strangers wouldn’t think of trekking across the field to investigate the place, it’s so nondescript. The farm has been in the same family since the 1840’s (as part of a once much larger empire) and no-one ever decided the scrap was worth removing.
The second-to-last looks like some kind of rake. The rusting horse-drawn hay-rakes I saw as a kid in the countryside had seats much like the machine in the first picture has.
I think the first machine is a plough, the front with the horse attachment (there has to be a proper name for that) towards us, the ploughing parts visible between the front and back wheels.
That’s a heavy-duty plow, if so (I’m inclined to agree).
Also concur re: the rake, but like a hay rake.
I’m trying to figure out picture 2, but I think it’s a bit too far gone without getting hands-on with the bits and pieces.
Looks very interesting, pretty and slightly sad.
I wonder why noone scrapped the metal. Here a pile of iron left unattended would not stay that way long.
I love coming across these rusted pieces of the past, took some 2 weeks ago above Renmark.
Charly, this is usual for OZ; bits of farm machinery, sheds, cars, even houses all left abandoned when they are no longer useful. On a recent trip I came across abandoned fuel tanks in the middle of nowhere. They had been established as a fuel reserve during WW2, well away from anywhere that may have been a target for the enemy. No longer useful, they sit staring balefully over the fields.
Somehow in editing I made this about me and lost my first line
Should have begun
Great photos Lofty. Where are these?
That’s the fascinating thing about this little place, it’s “hidden in plain sight” in a scruffy little olive grove in the middle of a 50 acre ploughed paddock. Strangers wouldn’t think of trekking across the field to investigate the place, it’s so nondescript. The farm has been in the same family since the 1840’s (as part of a once much larger empire) and no-one ever decided the scrap was worth removing.
David, they’re in the mid north, north of Clare.