
  1. kestrel says

    That color is glorious -- they look like they’re going to burst into song or something.

  2. Raucous Indignation says

    The puppies are enjoying eating the heads off of our dandelions. And despite the addition of flowers to their diet, their poop still smells dreadful.

  3. voyager says

    I don’t understand why people dislike dandelions so much. I think they’re cheerful and pretty.

  4. says


    I don’t understand why people dislike dandelions so much. I think they’re cheerful and pretty.

    Same here, I love them, and more importantly, so do bees.


    dandelions are very bad at sharing

    That’s not true. We have a ton of dandelions, but also wild clover, mallows, plantain, and a bunch of others. They all share. What is truly bad is effing bindweed -- that actively kills.

  5. Ice Swimmer says

    Sunny dandelions, nicely photographed.

    Um, isn’t it so that if grass is kept short, dandelions will easily outcompete the rest, but if it’s long enough, other plants will have a chance?

  6. says

    Ice Swimmer:

    Um, isn’t it so that if grass is kept short, dandelions will easily outcompete the rest, but if it’s long enough, other plants will have a chance?

    Oh, could be! We keep our yards sorta mowed, they’re usually on the shaggy side. I have no interest in golf course lawns.

  7. chigau (違う) says

    I don’t mind dandelions in the “lawn”, but they need to stay out of my vegetable garden and herb bed.

  8. says

    Chigau, ah, yes I agree with that. Those are good ones to harvest, for food, tea, and medicine. And wine, if you’re up to it. :D

  9. jazzlet says

    I do not talk of our lawn, I talk of our grass as there is no way anyone could mistake what we have for a lawn. Unless Thorn is lying on it, in which case we ask ‘Is Thorn is lying on her lawn’ as she woouldn’t lie on anything as common as grass ;)

  10. chigau (違う) says

    Our yard has areas of vegetable garden, flower beds, herb bed, apple trees, berry bushes, sidewalk, driveway, and that strip between the garage and fence where there is stuff.
    Anything that doesn’t fit into those categories is “lawn”.

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