The Most Precedential Presidential Of All!

Toddler Trump, by Sham.

In one of his “FEED MY EGO” rallies, the Tiny Tyrant waxed idiotic about being presidential:

At a campaign-style rally in Ohio, President Donald Trump claimed he could act more “presidential” than any previous White House occupant, with the exception of President Abraham Lincoln.

“And I say – great schools, smart guy – it’s so easy to act presidential,” Trump claimed. “But that’s not going to get it done.”

“With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s ever held this office,” Trump claimed.

“It’s real easy,” Trump added.

I agree, it’s easy enough to act presidential. That’s not the same as being presidential. And I wouldn’t be so fast to rate your acting abilities, Donny, they are abysmal. You haven’t been able to get one fucking thing done, unless you count regressively banning transgender people from the military. That’s hardly some great feat, you incompetent fuckwit. The only reason that was done was to give the Religious Reich another gift from their Theocalypse wishlist.

Have you informed the ghost of Andrew Jackson that he’s been supplanted by Lincoln?

You can see some of the replies to this latest declaration at Raw Story.


  1. johnson catman says

    Acting presidential would involve knowing when to STFU. He obviously can’t even be bothered to do that.

  2. Saad says

    With the exception of the late, great Abraham Lincoln

    Haha. I get the feeling he just recently heard about him too.

    Reminds me of the ‘people have been talking about Frederick Douglass’ comment.

  3. lumipuna says

    “It’s so easy to act presidential,” Trump claimed. “But that’s not going to get it done.”

    Get what done? Was this meant to be some bullshit about how he’s a man of political action rather than manners? Is this a case of quote mining, or just Trump losing his focus after first sentence?

    Nah, most likely he never thought to elaborate why he’s not showing his mad presidential-ing skills. Why, bragging about those skills should be good enough.

  4. says

    “And I say – great schools, smart guy – it’s so easy to act presidential,”

    Trump is one of the most ignorant gobs of shit I’ve ever heard. Maybe he’s smart and took up space in great schools but it didn’t take.

    I can’t remember which comedian said he studied space in school. Not to be an astronaut, he just “took up space”

  5. blf says

    Trump is one of the most ignorant gobs of shit

    Whilst I sympathize with insulting gobs of tobacco, they, the ignorant, and shite, are all far more worthy of respect than hair furor. All three, for instance, are capable of achieving constructive and amazing things; hair furor can do so only in the sense a stuck clock is sometimes right, which he would then backstab and deny.

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