Metsatöll & RAM Estonian Male Choir – Oma laulu ei leia ma üles (I Cannot Find My Song.)
Oma laulu ei leia ma üles
Üle vainude valendab aur
Vahulillede udune voodi
Igaühel on südamelaul
Igaühel on see isemoodi
Lähen karjateed, karukell käes
Kutsun hiliseid laule ma koju
Ja nad tulevad männiku mäelt
Kõige viimane udus veel ujub
Minu laule vist teavad siin kõik
Õhus ripuvad kellukakannud
Kuna kõik nad siit karjamaalt sõid
Üks vallatu plehku on pannud
Üle vainude valendab aur
Mul on närbunud karukell süles
Igaühel on siin oma laul
Ja ma oma ei leiagi üles
I Cannot Find My Song
Vapour, white over the meadows
The misty bed of foam flowers
Everyone has a heartsong
And everyone’s is different
I walk down the footpath, a pasqueflower in hand
I’m calling home the lingering songs
And they come from the pine grove hill
The last one still floats in the fog
I reckon everyone here must know my songs
Bellflowers, slinging in the air
Because it’s here where they all are at grass
But a wayward one has run away
Vapour, white over the meadows
The withered pasqueflower on my lap
Everyone has their own song here
And I cannot find mine
Translation courtesy of Pääsuke.
Love it
My kind of stuff (could use bagpipes), but the faces of the two elderly gents were kind of priceless.
They were. :D Metsatöll uses a lot of traditional instruments. Saltatio Mortis uses lots of traditional instruments, including bagpipes.