Seems there’s always an unscrupulous person somewhere, trying to convince people with vaginas to stick this, that, and the other up there. Generally speaking, outside of approved objects, like sex toys, bits of your partner[s], and tampons, you really, really shouldn’t do that sort of thing, let alone listen to people who think sticking a high tannin oak gall up your vagina is a good idea. It’s not. Drying out your vagina is not a good thing, in any way, and is likely to lead to nasty problems. Dr. Jen Gunter addresses this on on her blog. The particular purveyor of oak galls not only advises sticking them up your vagina, but drinking them, too. A teeny, tiny bit of sense goes a long, long way. And if you want tannins, drink a glass of red wine. Don’t put that up your vagina, either.
This product follows the same dangerous pathway of other “traditional” vaginal practices, meaning tightening and drying the vagina which is both medically and sexually (for women anyway) undesirable. Drying the vaginal mucosa increases the risk of abrasions during sex (not good) and destroys the protective mucous layer (not good). It could also wreak havoc with the good bacteria. In addition to causing pain during sex it can increase the risk of HIV transmission. This is a dangerous practice with real potential to harm. Here’s a pro-tip, if something burns when you apply it to the vagina it is generally bad for the vagina.
GYNO Etsy seems all about dry tight vaginas. I’m thinking they should back away from the medicinal products, you know? It’s promoting a both a bad sexual ideal, that something must be wrong if your vagina is damp, and a dangerous practice. While many women won’t buy this product it’s just one more bullshit message about vaginal health. It’s no wonder there are so many useless and/or harmful products on drugstore shelves designed to dry and clean vulvas and vaginas.
So don’t put dried up wasp’s nest in your vagina. I feel pretty confident in offering that up as medical advice and for goodness sake don’t tell Paltrow.
Uh. Oh. This has reminded me that I wanted to do a few experiments with oak galls in my workshop. So I just made a quick google search on how to extract tanins from them.
First result on gooble was this mumbo-jumbo about their intra vaginal use.
Oh no. Not good, that.
Are they fucking nuts?
I’m eternally glad I discovered mens cups because they don’t dry out the vagina like tampons do.
And greedy, I expect.
I saw what you did there. Haven’t laughed so loud in a long time.
What is up with this trend of sticking random things in vaginas?
Why the hell would anyone want to dry a vagina? It’s like wanting to dry out your eyeball. Gah.