Members of the National Socialist Movement (Neo-Nazis) during a 2010 march to the Phoenix Federal building (John Kittelsrud/Flickr).
White supremacists are outraged after a couple was sentenced to 20 years in prison for displaying a Confederate flag and making “terroristic threats” to black people who were attending a child’s birthday party in Georgia in 2015.
The defendants, Jose Torres and Kayla Norton, who were convicted last month, also “pulled out a shotgun and threatened to kill people at [the] party, including children,” according to Douglas County District Attorney Brian Fortner.
White supremacist groups have responded to the sentencing online in Facebook posts and petitions in protest of the conviction, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reports. James Oliver, a member of the country’s largest neo-Nazi organization, the National Socialist Movement (NSM), made a video over the weekend about the sentencing, though it appears to have been removed. The NSM is rooted in the original American Nazi Party.
According to SPLC’s report, Oliver argued in his video, “20 years for f*cking freedom of speech … for name calling … some high school, middle school, kindergarten bullsh*t.” Oliver was reportedly joined in the video by former Klansmen John Girton, who said, “Not one negro was harmed. However, one of them did get their feelings hurt by the use of the n-word.”
I just don’t have words. It’s a rare thing to see justice done anymore, especially when the victims are not white.
White supremacists also threatened Douglas Circuit Judge William Beau McClain, and circulated a petition demanding that the conviction “be overturned or at least reduced dramatically.” A Facebook user named Branden Young commented on Girton’s post, writing, “Something needs [to be] done about judges like this.”
Right. So now it’s time to threaten and harass anyone who does see justice done. And maybe worse than that. People often speculate that current events may devolve into a civil war here in uStates, but I think that’s the wrong way to look at things. We’re already in the middle of a war.
Full story here.
That picture sends chills down my spine. Those men are eager to publicly express support to an ideology that literally killed milions of people on principle and they see nothing wrong with that.
Oh, don’t say that, Charly.
They just want unemployment to go down and to pay less tax.
And for the oppression of white people at the hands of political correctness to end.
And yet, you can’t get most Americans to take them seriously. They just handwave them, dismissing them as ‘fringe’ and so on.
I bet they’d be really unhappy if someone ran their faces through a facial recognition database and posted their identities. Hm.
What he is advocating is the type of terrorism that ignores the rule of law and pushes for authoritarian rights to oppress and kill people that do not think as he does. Color me shocked. Fucking Nazis.