What hath the cat wrought? Obviously a devilish weather spell of some kind.
I’m watching all my flowers get snowed on right now. Yesterday some purple lilies of some kind were just beginning to bloom to join the snowdrops. Historically, some of our worst snowstorms have occurred in March, so I’m still crossing my fingers and toes.
Awwww, nice kitty found a sunny spot! Does we wantz tummy rubs? Does we?
(He/she reminds me very much of the neighbour’s cat, who spends over 50% of her “down time” in our house, mooching or looking for a spot like this).
Kengi -- more or less describes our situation here in S. Ontario; snowdrops just coming out, but it’s looking like they’ll be pummeled by new snow over the next week. Fortunately, I got myself & and the SO snowshoes in the “end of season” sales this year.
Just try rubbing that tummy. I dare you. Hermione is a great believer in keeping her nails sharp against the skin of your hand… I had a great photo of the elder cat, but he sees a camera, must investigate! So all I ever get is fuzzy movement shots of his face super-close.
Ice Swimmersays
Somebody’s stretching herself. The same kind of back-and-forth weather here.
What hath the cat wrought? Obviously a devilish weather spell of some kind.
I’m watching all my flowers get snowed on right now. Yesterday some purple lilies of some kind were just beginning to bloom to join the snowdrops. Historically, some of our worst snowstorms have occurred in March, so I’m still crossing my fingers and toes.
Awwww, nice kitty found a sunny spot! Does we wantz tummy rubs? Does we?
(He/she reminds me very much of the neighbour’s cat, who spends over 50% of her “down time” in our house, mooching or looking for a spot like this).
Kengi -- more or less describes our situation here in S. Ontario; snowdrops just coming out, but it’s looking like they’ll be pummeled by new snow over the next week. Fortunately, I got myself & and the SO snowshoes in the “end of season” sales this year.
Just try rubbing that tummy. I dare you. Hermione is a great believer in keeping her nails sharp against the skin of your hand… I had a great photo of the elder cat, but he sees a camera, must investigate! So all I ever get is fuzzy movement shots of his face super-close.
Somebody’s stretching herself. The same kind of back-and-forth weather here.
It’s world domination, but for the moment your fresh, steaming innards will do, thank you very much.
Winter is probably laughing its ass off
Me, I’ve spottet the first yellow flowers today. Stay tuned for the weekend.