I definitely want to build a large scarecrow come Springtime, but in the meanwhile, I want to make a small one, using swarf for the head. So, time to play a bit and decide what I want to do…
And a better shot of the swarf, because it’s so pretty:
And Trashcrow – this would be for a full size only, too much of a pain to do small. Doing a Trashcrow would give me a chance to play around with plastic bag molding, and playing with fire and other fun stuff. :D
Clickety for full size. © C. Ford.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says
Had to look up what a swarf was. Nice design.
Caine says
Thanks, Nerd. :D This particular swarf is weld spatter, which is beautiful and unique.
blf says
The mildly deranged penguin says the bestest swarf is from whisk(e)y breweries, but is quite hard to obtain, even with a
bribeoffering of cheese. She suggest making yer own by trapping a kraken in a bottle of Kraken, preferablyemptieddrank first, and then grinding it up by vigorous application of a cleaver, wasbi, and a horse. (If yer very careful, and retire to a reinforced bunker in another Universe, then sometimes substituting a pea for the correct comma is said to work.) Aging is required, but no-one seems to know for how long, or else there’s been a massive telephone failure…rq says
I particularly like the swarfcrow.
Caine says
Thanks, rq. :D