Breaking Up Boredom. » « The Daily Bird #98 So Very Ordinary 14. Paint. Click for full size. I was excited and happy when people sent me their So Very Ordinary photos, I’d love to see more of them, shutterbugs! © C. Ford, all rights reserved. Share this:TweetShare on TumblrPocketMoreEmailPrintLike this:Like Loading... Related Breaking Up Boredom. » « The Daily Bird #98
Ice Swimmer says August 28, 2016 at 12:49 pm The last two would work as centre ornaments for round tablecloths. They’d be slightly unsettling, though.
Caine says August 28, 2016 at 1:00 pm Ice Swimmer, this was done on a tablecloth. :D I’m all about the unsettling.
philhoenig says August 28, 2016 at 4:30 pm And sending something’s easy to do! There’s a link in a section called Submissions in the column on the left.
The last two would work as centre ornaments for round tablecloths. They’d be slightly unsettling, though.
Ice Swimmer, this was done on a tablecloth. :D I’m all about the unsettling.
And sending something’s easy to do! There’s a link in a section called Submissions in the column on the left.