Fucking Assholes.

Hateful fucking bigots. *spits* Oh, and the military is flying copters over the camps. Armed helicopters. *spits again*


  1. rq says

    It really makes me wonder what century it is.
    And realizing that it’s the 21st does not make me feel any better. People were supposed to be better than this by now.

  2. says

    I left the sarcasm tag off my comment @#3, in case anyone’s not familiar with my politics.

    One thing that makes me wonder: the KKK used to say they did the whole sheets and hoods thing and acted under cover of night to be more scary (i.e.: basic terrorism) but I really wonder how much it’s just that they’re a bunch of cowards who know they’re on the wrong side and they fear retaliation. After all, if they really believed they were so right, wouldn’t they be engaging in open civil disobedience?

  3. says

    The KKK started out with those stupid costumes to scare those “superstitious negroes and Indians”, but they were also very much for hiding identity. They have never wanted anyone to know who it was committing these cowardly acts. It’s cowards all the way down.

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