
  1. rq says

    At least it’s easy to see whodunnit -- offer them all treats, and the one(s) who can’t get their jaws open are guilty!
    Also, hope it doesn’t make them sick… I don’t know about any nutritional benefits for krazy glue.

  2. says

    They’ve eaten it before -- they chew a hole, they wait for the air to crystallize it, then eat it. Never gotten sick from it.

  3. blf says

    Do they feel any kind of an effect from it?

    Besides growing to forty-feet high and stomping around with a bad cause of constipation?

    “More glue! Moar glue!! MOAR GLUE!!!

  4. Kengi says


    They’ve eaten it before – they chew a hole, they wait for the air to crystallize it, then eat it. Never gotten sick from it.

    Smarter than I am. I’m still picking off bits of glue on the side of my finger after using it a couple of days ago.

  5. says


    Do they feel any kind of an effect from it?

    If they do, it’s not a visible one.


    I’m still picking off bits of glue on the side of my finger after using it a couple of days ago.

    It never matters how careful I am, I get it all over me every time I use it.

  6. blf says

    I get it all over me every time I use it.

    Yet I notice the rats don’t eat you.
    They stomp on you…

  7. Ice Swimmer says

    A guess: The rats must have encountered cyanoacrylate in something they associate with fun or food and learned that it is bad when not properly prepared. Smart of them, but it feels kind of pointless at the same time. (How is eating dried glue any fun? Then again, we eat candy flavoured with ammonium chloride.)

  8. says


    Yet I notice the rats don’t eat you.

    They do try, you know. Nibble here, nibble there, nibble nibble everywhere. (Ears, scalp, hair, fingers and toes are the favoured bits.)

  9. rq says

    Nibble here, nibble there, nibble nibble everywhere.

    Sounds like a bad case of piranha rats. :D

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