Naturally, Christians showed up at the Reason Rally to do some preaching. It takes time to get to the clash between the U.S. Park officers and the preachers (around the 9:00 minute mark), so I listened to a fair amount of the standard nonsense, mostly about hell, but there was one interesting bit. The preacher (who is, I assume, Buddy Fisher) is carrying on about us decadent atheists, how we love our sin, our drunkenness, our sex outside marriage, our…muff diving. The preacher seemed to realize that he may have skittered off the rails a bit with that one, and quickly moved to a different tack. Back to more of the same old, if we’re just a bag of chemicals, there’s no love, yada, yada, yada, some odd stuff about Hemingway being an authentic atheist because he killed himself, and before long, the park cops show up. They are quiet, and polite, and explain that the preachers have a choice of two different locations to where they can move. Oh no. No, no, no. Preacher whips out this paper, and explains this court case, and that they have The Heckler’s Veto! You can’t make us move! Magic Court Papers! (I think the court case was Bible Believers v. Wayne County.) They keep arguing, the video ends.
Oh look, here comes the continuation! A description on the second video reads: ”Part 2 of unlawfully being removed from the Reason Rally 2016 in Washington DC. Officers Burnett and White unlawfully remove Christians from an event that is free and open to the public being held by a group of atheists with a non-exclusive permit. Their permit allows them to set up the stage, amplifiers, etc, but does not give them the authority to remove us from public property. Atheists are cowards and the police ignore the law.”
Via The Blaze.
Christian privilege. Privileged asshole that is. Thirty minutes (on the videos) of this bullshit. The authorities were way more tolerant that they needed to be.
…Well, I do love these things.
Yes, as do I.
Johnson catman:
Oh yes. I have to say, I found Fisher more amusing than anything else. He’s not in the least charismatic, and he certainly doesn’t have a good patter at all. His hell threats lacked power, there was no undercurrent of threat or fear; the repetitious ‘if you’re an atheist, there’s no love’ was boring, as was the chemicals business. The Hemingway thing was just strange. Apparently, for realz atheists should just go around, alone, in a depressive haze until we all do the right thing, and die. I could say the same thing about Xians -- you should all walk around in a depressive haze because you want to be with Jesus so much, so do the right thing, lay down and die. Or maybe force people to crucify you or something. *shrug*
The court papers were great! Fisher carries that paper around like it was the Elder Wand, and would magically make all people comply, anywhere in uStates. He was lovingly soothing creases out of that paper.
I’m glad he survived his encounter with the police in good health. Praise jesus he wasn’t selling loose cigarettes or anything.
I had no idea what, um, “muff diving” was. So I asked Generalissimo Google.™
I still not sure I know what it is — what I found put me off my beer (possibly a first?) — and was a case of Immediately Close Browser Tab With Extreme Clicking.
Which raises the question what did the fruitloop “think” he was talking about? Personal experience / projection, I’m tempted to assume…
Blf @ 5:
Well, I don’t know what it may mean to various people now, but the original meaning: cunnilingus.
That was my first thought, I was talking to Rick about just what this man thought that meant. The way he said it, it sounded like something much more excitingly deviant than oral sex.
I’m going to choose to believe that the current meaning is like deep sea diving, except with a fluffy hand-warmer thingie. I know that’s almost certainly not the case, but it makes me happy.
I didn’t make it through the video -- has that preacher had a charismectomy, or is he just warming up at the beginning there? On the plus side, he does seem to have the bull horn voice down.
No, that was as good as he got. Not someone you’d want to stick around and listen to.
Cunnilingus is a sin?
I thought it was a way of abstinence ;D