Republican candidate running to become North Carolina’s attorney general faced criticism on Tuesday after saying “we must fight to keep our state straight” while discussing a law that restricts transgender bathroom access and gay rights.
State Senator Buck Newton made the comment while concluding a speech at a rally on Monday and welcomed the idea of being considered a poster child for the law, dubbed HB 2. … “Go home, tell your friends and family who had to work today what this is all about and how hard we must fight to keep our state straight,” he said to applause.
So, it’s not about people simply wanting to pee. It’s certainly not about “protecting” people from the spectre of Chester Bathroom Molester. It would seem that treating LGBT peoples as humans deserving basic rights will…turn the whole state gay! Goodness. I had no idea of this imminent threat to NC and to uStates in general. It must be the fault of that damn Gay Agenda. Perhaps Buck can introduce legislation that every single person residing in NC must have one of these: (Via Buzzfeed).
In other non-surprising news, Ted Cruz thinks transgender people should only pee at home.

If Ted Cruz had to use the bathroom after stealing his daughter’s cherry, he could use the one right there in the ice cream parlor, but a transgender person enjoying a sundae, he thinks, should have to go all the way home.
“Every one of us has the right to live our lives as we wish,” he said. “If any one of us wants to dress up as a woman or man and wants to live as woman or man and believes that we might be something other than what we were born, God has made each of us with free will and the ability to choose to do that if man to wants to dress as a woman, and live as a woman, and have a bathroom at home.”
A reporter sought clarification on the remark: “So then they shouldn’t use the bathroom out in public?”
Cruz then confirmed just that. “You don’t have a right to intrude upon the rights of others because whether or not a man believes he’s a woman, there are a lot of women who would like to be able to use a public restroom in peace without having a man there — and when there are children involved, you don’t have a right to impose your lifestyle on others.”
It’s probably just me, but of all the things in the photo of Cruz, what creeps me out the most is the man standing behind Cruz and, um, smiling. Seriously reminds me of Jack Nicholson’s world class leer in The Shining.
Caine @1:
So true! And the guy over Cruz’s left shoulder is pretty creepy too.
Cruz is showing his total lack of awareness. He thinks it is okay FOR HIM to intrude upon the rights of transgender men and women and to impose HIS lifestyle on them as well.
“We must fight to keep our state straight!” must be one of the most stupid slogans to support. What do you accomplish with that, make almost everybody’s life worse by oppressing minorities and turning the majority’s eyes from the shenanigans of the ruling elite.
I’m getting very low (but the temptation is too much): Ted Cruz pisses by tilting his head.
Oh, and fuck Buck! I will definitely be voting for Josh Stein for NC attorney general. Hopefully, the progressives and anti-republican voters will come out in force in November. There are a lot of progressives in NC, but motivating them to vote can be a problem. HB2 has lit a fire, and I hope it burns down the republican house.
Ice Swimmer:
It might be low, but you won’t find me disagreeing. At least what piss dribbles out through the channels of shit in his head. Cruz has this mania now, about transgender people, and what he’s been doing, the ads he has put out, what he’s saying, that’s honestly low. He doesn’t care, either, he just has to keep driving home how much he hates transgender people, and keeps up with the whole “it’s just dressing up” shit.
Johnson catman:
*Snort* One of these days, I’ll have to actually use my twitter account, because I’d love to see #wouldyoubewillingtofuckbuck aimed at primarily queer folks, and make sure that asshole saw it.
I just took a look at a map of North Korea. I mean Carolina. Whilst much of the northern border is straight, the rest is rather crooked. Probably nowheres as much as the local politicians. It will be quite hard to straighten out. For the land borders, that would mean some bits of what is now in loonyland being transferred to other states, but I presume none of them would want the resident loons. And the reverse problem, bits of other states would be transferred to nutterlund, and the residents would presumably strongly object.
Then there is the Atlantic coast border. Much harder to straighten out, albeit the US Army Corps of Engineers might be up for the job. AGW will not do it, which is perhaps why kookolina probably denies its existence, it won’t fix the more pressing problem of having straight borders.
“when there are children involved, you don’t have a right to impose your lifestyle on others”.
The FUCK is this? Christian Dominionist shit-stain Ted Cruz thinks he can say this and be taken seriously?
“Let’s take away women’s abortion rights because souls”, “sex is icky because God so no birth control teachings please”, “let’s indoctrinate children with creationist bullshit”, and “teachers ought to be able to impose only their Christian beliefs on children” Republicans think they can stand on ANYTHING like this hypocritical shit?
Hell, he violated his own bullshit two sentences before even starting this shitty lesson, trying to base our rights on God (who…created intersex people and trans people the way they are, even in bullshit fairy tale land).
Cruz, take out the plank in your own FUCKING eye before you even imagine any splinters in the eyes of others, you utter asshole.
Not going to happen. Cruz’s daddy, the reformed alcoholic evangelist, is right behind junior, and if anything, his dad is way worse of a fucking nightmare. If the worst happened, and Cruz was elected, we’d have both of them in the house.