I’m getting tired of feeling like I should just go pound my head into the wall. Or maybe pound someone else’s head into a wall. It’s a toss up. Kasich decides to Jesussplain to Orthodox Jews in Brooklyn.
Uriel Heilman of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency recommended on Thursday that Kasich abstain from giving Christian Bible lessons to Jewish voters.
“Talking about Christ’s blood during a visit to Borough Park? Oy vey,” Heilman wrote. “Please, somebody, prep this guy Hasidic Jews in Brooklyn want to hear about food stamps, affordable housing, Medicaid. Ix-nay on the Jesus-nay.”
What a putz.
He is such an idiot. I don’t know how anyone could possibly take him seriously.
Dial up the setting on your xenophobic demagogue chooser and mark your ballot.
A choice between evil and idiocy. Just great.
The only solution is to cross them -- you’d get someone trying to do evil stuff and failing. Or, you know, vote for the nominee of the other party.