I’m not sure what an act of God is, but this has to be close


I just donated part of my monthly FTB pay to the link above, you’re hereby invited to join in, add 0.01 to a whole dollar ammount if you want them to know it came through a blog. … So, after all the ugly lies about how some deadly event is somehow a God-ly harbinger of whatever conservative cause the right-wing nut job du jure happens to be spewing that day, finally, mere days before a momentous election, a freak hurricane-blizzard-storm strikes that peels back the facade built to disguise the dangers of anthropogenic climate change and the unusual cruelty of a government harnessed by the ultra rich solely for widening the luxurious gap they already enjoy from us riff-raff, all in one fail swoop. You can argue about whether or not a rape is a specific, planned divine event, but I’m pretty sure a hurricane would have to be, if the terms “Act” and “God” have any literal meaning.

Do you really want to know how Smarmy Team Romney reacted to this tragedy? [Read more…]

It’s a super storm!

Yes Virginia, this is exactly the kind of weird weather pattern that could be both a product of climate change, and a mere appetizer for what will come later this century. The flooding and winds were mostly moderate by disaster standards, but they were moderate over a huge region. Storm damage is a product not just of severity, it’s also directly related to population i.e., infrastructure. Plucky east coast residents are crawling, bailing and shoveling out now: [Read more…]

Sandy update: time to decide folks

If you live in the colored region of the storm track it’s time to decide if you are going to stay where you are or go somewhere else. A big part of what makes this storm dangerous is that it is huge, the actual wind speeds are likely to be tropical force or lower for most of the region. But sustained 50 MPH plus winds combined with rain and a huge storm surge can definitely knock out power and basic utilities for millions of people: [Read more…]

Huge storm with superficial exo-tropical features bearing down on Alaska

The National Weather Service is issuing a severe winter storm watch for parts of Alaska and Canada as a powerful storm sweeps in from the west carrying lots of snow and ice driven by near hurricane force winds. The system is currently off Alaska’s west coast and looks almost like the crazy cyclonic winter-canes on that miserably terrible movie The Day After Tomorrow. It’s not though, these kinds of eddies and extra tropical cyclone looking swirls happen all the time. This one just happened to be well defined when that sat photo was snapped. At least that’s what my climate expert pals are telling me.