Theatre sends in fake armed gunman in worst publicity stunt ever

Imagine you’re a staunch NRA member legally pack’n, in the movie house settling in for a newly released super hero movie, and lo and behold, all of the sudden an armed gunman in full Dawg-theBounty-Hunter gear is up in front of you, what might you do? What might the stranger also pack’n one row over do to you or anyone else when you do what you’ve been jonsing to do since you bought that sweet Glock? This could have gone wrong in a lot of ways. As is, since no one was hurt, do we just call it the worst publicity stunt ever conceived? Or just the worst one this decade? [Read more…]

There’s just no there there on Benghazi


I understand there are readers here who, by now, think I’m a hyper-partisan neurotic writer wanna-be prima donna asshole. Hi, thanks for reading. Partisan and the other stuff, yeah maybe. Hyper? Probably not. And imo I’m moderately partisan for a good reason; we have a party deeply compromised by big money that fucks over their base from time to time causing everything from short term disgust to permanent nausea, and then there’s a bug fuck crazy party composed of scads of lunatics and — not sure if this is worse or better — sociopathic grifters shamelessly peddling mind numbing, bug fuck crazy destructive nonsense for a shred of profit of any kind. It’s an easy choice at the ballot box.

Maybe that does color my perception. I’m intellectually honest enough to recognize the possibility. Then something like right-wing Benghazi-hysteria rears its ugly head on a regular basis and reminds me that, no, I’m right and they really are shameless destructive sociopaths: [Read more…]