Stewart tore into Boko Haram and said that #BringBackOurGirls actually proves Twitter can be more useful than you might think at pressuring people to do something. And so in reaction to Limbaugh rolling his eyes at the hashtag activism, Stewart came up with a new hashtag for people to use: #F*ckYouRush. Stewart even contrasted the people speaking out on the girls’ behalf with “that f*cking guy” Limbaugh to show what the two sides are in this argument.
I don’t know. Some people just really should get better hobbies.
While the stinging indictment of Rush was a reward in itself, I am going to remember this segment for its last few seconds. As I wrote on my Facebook post, I was stunned and moved.
Following a video-clip — in which Shekau, the leader of Boko Haram and perpetrator of the heinous kidnapping, gleefully talks about killing — Jon Stewart spoke in an unusually somber voice – completely abandoning the jocularity – addressing Boko Haram:
It brought tears to my eyes.
Oh, and the direct link to the segment on Comedy Central is here.
Kausic Datta–
Tears to my eyes, too. Thanks for the link.
@ ^ hoary puccoon : Seconded by me. Awesome, brilliant words from Jon Stewart. Thanks for that Kausik Datta.