
  1. NewEnglandBob says

    Having a Plantinga in your pocket is indistinguishable from an empty pocket.

  2. 'Tis Himself says

    Plantinga is a master at using logical fallacies, viz: non sequitur, begging the question, excluded middle, strawman and (his personal favorite) special pleading. He’s decided that the “problems” with evolution rendered it nonviable but these problems are fixed by the addition of gods, specifically his favorite pet god, Jebus. Why Jebus rather than Wotan or Huitzilopotchli is something Al hasn’t explained yet, but he’s determined that Jebus is the answer.

  3. Woo_Monster, Sniffer of Starfarts says

    Why Jebus rather than Wotan or Huitzilopotchli is something Al hasn’t explained yet, but he’s determined that Jebus is the answer.

    Fucken presuppositionalism.

  4. sailor1031 says

    Amusing to see CS Lewis, Plantinga, Aquinas and WL Craig piled on top of “sophisticated theology”……bit of a contradiction there!!As for Kierkegaard – I doubt if the late JC himself understands that stuff.

  5. says

    So… THAT’S what the big flowing robes are for!

    And of course, “sophisticated theology” is just a fancier way of saying the same dumb things that religious people have said for thousands of years, and they don’t get less dumb when you use more and bigger words.

  6. Martha says

    This reminds me of a bumper sticker that used to amuse me when I saw it around town: “How would Jesus drive?” I always thought he’d be the worst driver in the world, and when people got angry with him, he’d just tell them to think of the Kingdom of Heaven.

    It would be pretty funny to see how Christians today would respond to that…

  7. says

    Totally! Think of the fig tree. Jesus would just curse the car whenever it ran out of gas, and that would be the end of that car. He’d be an expensive date.

  8. F says

    Nope. Just happy to see you. In fact, nothing in my pockets at all. No place to keep blogs bookmarked in there.

  9. kev_s says

    “Jesus would just curse the car whenever it ran out of gas, and that would be the end of that car.”
    But he could turn water into gasoline (very American dream eh?) enabling people could drive to McDonald’s after his sermon so saving on the loaves and fishes. (Mixing my Bible stories there a bit.)

  10. Blade says

    I have several of the works of Thomas Aquinas in the original Latin, and it is going to be so satisfying to read them once I achieve fluency. Not because they’re any good–just so I can shut people up when they tell me that faith and reason totally aren’t contradictory–after all, Thomas Aquinas said so!

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